Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Wordless Wednesday - Shyla Can Fly!

My girl can fly!

But she can't walk on water!


  1. Looks like your having a fantastic time Shyla :) Nothing is better then going for a splash in the water :) Milo,Jet & Arli

  2. That looks so refreshing.
    I hope that other wildlife can enjoy
    a drink of water and a swim too.
    It is fun and amusing to watch them all.
    Was R able to join in too?

    xo Astro Mitzie

    1. R didn't join in that day... but the Duo will swim together before too long!

  3. Shyla what gorgeous form...I give you a 10+ for that dive.
    MOLMOL at your comment today on our blog. sometimes when I don't finish my food...mom brings it to where ever I'm sitting/sleeping because 2 xs a day my meds are in my food and I must finish it. I like to eat a little on my patio (the top of the box in today's photos, a little at my feeding station then I walk over to my throne, white chair and wait for the food truck that is what Dad calls Mom.... the food truck. So I ask just who is in charge here? MOL
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  4. Go, Shyla, that looks like so much fun!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. The one leg landing, guess she had been in the water earlier, what joy to be able to leap like that.

  6. What a great way to get exercise and cool off at the same time. And look lovely doing it.

  7. That looks cool and refreshing!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  8. Labs sure do love water!! She really does look like she is flying!!

  9. A diving dog. Looks like lots of cool summer fun!


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