Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

We are grateful that our Black Dog is having nothing but smooth sailing this summer!
He's now closer to eleven years old than ten... and he still runs every single day on our mountain trails. If I catch a glimpse as he and the Runner start out, I see our Black Dog with his leash in his mouth, enthusiastically urging the Runner to start out faster!

R has his mandatory every 4 month ultrasound coming up, just to keep an eye on the size of his splenic and adrenal tumors. He's had the tumors for almost a year now, and they haven't grown. My fingers are crossed that the trend holds.

Here's to more happy summertime adventures with our Black Dog!
Every adventure is better with our Black Dog!!!


  1. YES he does make life and adventure, fingers crossed here for a good report. he really is beautiful in that sunshine....

  2. It's good to hear that R is doing so well. Paws are crossed for a good ultrasound.

  3. You look so happy enjoying your summer, R!

  4. R your photos are glorious and make our hearts warm. Mom aka eagle eye noticed that you might possibly have a bell on your collar, which we assume is your bear bell. Is she seeing things?
    Keep moving black beauty
    Hugs madi and mom

  5. PS we meant to add PURRS for a wonderful check up. I have a recheck on my kidney values tomorrow...

  6. Pure joy! My Tommy will be 11 this month too and he is also bursting with joy. May that joy stay with all of us for many more years!

  7. I hope you will have many more adventures with your Black Dog, not only in the summertime. He looks like a very happy and healthy dog.

  8. We love that - every adventure is better with our Black Dog!!! We hope the next scan has great results.

  9. Fingers crossed and special thoughts going out to the funny black guy. Love the photographs.

  10. That is so awesome to hear!
    Cam has to be ultrasound-ed every 3 months. Maybe she and R can form a Shaved Bellies Club? :)

  11. I saw a little black 6 week old puppy today.
    O how I wanted to put him in my purse,
    Happy Crazy Love some R photos to
    satisfy my need.
    Here's to happy results.
    Run baby R run.
    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  12. R the handsome one can sure fly with the best of them. We hope the ultrasound is good news too.

  13. Oh R, you sure do looks like you're a youngin'! I am so happy that you are doin' so well! I am always sendin' lots of AireZens your way!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Sending oodles of poodles 'pawsitive' energy that the upcoming ultra sound underscores the last ones.

  15. He looks so happy!! That is the most important thing. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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