Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 6, 2018

Bears Swim, Eat Ants, and Mark Trees at this time of year

The bears endlessly fascinate me throughout the summer (and during the occasional winter when I find an occupied den). Every year in June, they swarm to certain routes lined with bear marking trees for mating season. Then, mating season ends in early July, and they head toward the hyperphagia (eating) phase of the summer when they eat tens of thousands of Calories per day to prepare for entering the den in autumn.

We are now in hyperphagia phase. I've never completely figured out where the bears spent their time in this phase. This year, I have trail cameras in new places where I've seen bear sign to see if I can catch a glimpse of them.

So far, it's been a success. I've learned that they love to swim and bathe at this time of year, one of the hottest times of year. This bear was about to slide into the pond for a swim.

They like to dig for ants at this time of year.

And they even mark trees at this time of year.
I'm guessing that this guy is wandering outside his normal haunts because I don't recognize him. He's a classically handsome black bear, with a brown snout and dark fur.

I made a short video including the footage of them swimming, checking out an anthill, and tree marking.


  1. I would love to swim in this fresh cool water... but to lay next to the ants would be more than I could bear ;O)

    1. Ha ha! You made me laugh! I can bearly stand next to an ant hill. But I don't have the thick fur of a bear to keep the ants away from my skin!

  2. Hari OM
    Again we are charmed! YAM xx

  3. that is crazy, rolling in an ant bed??? wild is what it is... never seen anything like it. I ran a quick search and it says when they eat ants it is a sign of scarce food. did not find rolling in a bed.. ouch

  4. Now I see why they go swimming...to get rid of the ants and dirt from rolling! 😆

  5. Great bears, you are so fortunate to still have them around. They used to come here to eat juniper berries (cones) from now until fall, but I think it's just too dry and hot and maybe more people have moved in above me in the mountains.

  6. The bears can come and eat all the ants they want here - good riddance. Love the video!!!

  7. We have been delighted to learn how very smart bears are about staying cool and we love the photo of the Bear with his back legs all stretched out...
    Wonderful video...do you share those with your local wildlife department....
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. I wonder if the ants smell as bad as they do down here? What fun to have your own pool, or to share with others. I sometimes think, what if they all know each-other? Marking the tree, he had to think seriously first!!

    1. Hmm, ants aren't noticeably stinky here. I can't smell them but the bears can. I'm surprised that you can smell your ants!

  9. I always get a giggle watching the bears wiggle as they mark :-)! Thanks for another episode of BearTV, it's one of our favorite shows ;-).

  10. I had my brother and sister in law of over Friday and spent a while talking about your blog. Maybe you will get another reader.

  11. That is amazing footage! I just loved watching her swim!

  12. They sure know how to enjoy the summer!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. It is so amazing to see them having a fun time but I’m not sure the ants would be too yummy.

    1. I agree about the ants. Shyla had an ant bite her on the gum recently, and it wouldn't let go until I pulled really hard!

  14. It seems so odd that a huge creature like a bear would be eating tiny ants. Funny what nature has animals doing sometimes. Love the bears.

  15. fabulous footage and photos! such a joy to see!
    Makes me consider the marks made on the earth after rolling in the ant hill, I wonder if i saw that in person if i could have figured out that a bear did it?


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