Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

I had the pleasure of having both halves of the Labraduo with me for a bike ride recently. They stood atop Hug Hill together with the Continental Divide behind them.
And yes, those are some yellow leaves behind them. Oh my... the stress of the dry year is making autumn creep up very early.

I do love the golden grass... and R galloped through it beautifully!
It's always fun having our Black Dog join me and Shyla for a romp in the mountain meadows!


  1. love that first shot of them, staring right into the lens and looking so beautiful... I noticed R has a bell but don't see one on Shyla...

  2. Such a sweet duo, looking good sweeties!

  3. I love the first pic of you smiling and sharing the tree stump! Happy Sunday!

  4. After being away for 3 weeks one of the first thing I noticed now that I am home is how the days are getting shorter. Autumn is coming!

  5. The two of them, what a beautiful picture. Looks like they are at the top of the world!

  6. Oh, autumn, how quickly your summer has gone, The Duo shine , a wonderful view, enjoy those days together.

  7. Shyla and R look so good together on that rock!!! Hope you all had a relaxing weekend.

  8. OMD, lookie at you two!!! Have funs runnin' in those FABulous hills! I am so jealous...☺
    Ruby ♥

  9. I love seeing the two of them together - they are such a striking pair! ♥

  10. We so love to see both Shyla and R,, so happy!


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