Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 17, 2018

Flower Friday

In wet parts of the forest, coneflowers have blossomed recently. Due to the lack of rain, they started fading very fast after opening. However, the alert butterflies fed on them before they faded.

Every year, Fireweed blooms at about the same time as the coneflowers. I adore its brilliant pink color!

Although I hate to admit it, the blooming of these flowers usually means that the end of the flower season is drawing near. It always feels like wildflower season is too short.
Happy Flower Friday! We'll enjoy the flowers for as long as we can!


  1. me too... and the yellow flowers are a fabulous background for sheilas fur ;O)

  2. High Five, high in the field of flowers. I just came from a blog I follow, her family gave her a cam like yours. today is her first post and I laughed so hard.... I gave her your link to look at your cams. http://anenglishgirlrambles2016.blogspot.com/2018/08/a-new-toy-for-deck.html

  3. We are waving right back atcha, Shyla! Happy Friday!


  4. Wildflower season is always way too short!

  5. Have a happy floral weekend! Great image capture on that butterfly. Really spectacular. He almost looks like he's giving you a disapproving look at interrupting his dinner. 🦋

  6. Hari OM
    The butterfly shot is FANTABULOUS!!! YAM xx

  7. Hi back at'cha Shyla...
    We love the fireweed and OMCs mom is all about butterflies.
    Hugs madi and mom

  8. Our Fireweed is blooming too!
    What a wonderful macro butterfly shot!

    Happy weekend Shyla!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  9. Right under the butterfly's nose, and he still went on feeding.Fireweed is so bright, gorgeous colour.

  10. You sure found some beautiful wild flowers. Shyla looks so happy to be sitting in them too.

  11. Hi Shyla - hope you had fun in the flower fields today!!! Great photo of the butterfly on the coneflower.

  12. Yes, there are certain flowers we see that tell us the end of summer is near...and we have to remember to enjoy every day of warmth we have left!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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