Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 24, 2018

Flower Friday - Purple Tinged Meadows

It is the crazy purple time of year here where the Bee Balm goes crazy in our meadows.  They are tall - R's head barely rises above them.

When I get close to the flowers, I can hear the eternal buzz of industrious bees. Hence, the name of these flowers mades sense!

The flowers are super pretty if you can see them before they start to fade.
Purple is my favorite color so I love this phase of our meadows. There is a purple tinge to everything in them!


  1. that is beautiful... and the bee balm did it's best to be the perfect background for R's beautiful black fur ;O)

  2. my sons wife has this shade of purple in every room of her house, she even bought a purple vintage dress for her wedding dress... R is so beautiful in his field of purple flowers, we get the BEEEE BUZZZ from our powderpuff tree

  3. The purple bee balm is gorgeous and compliments your black furs to perfection, R!

  4. I love this. They are so pretty.

  5. How great that there are so many wild flowers around you. We bet the hummingbirds love that bee balm too.

  6. So very beautiful! I love the color - and R looks stunning in that setting!!!

  7. Wow, I wonder if I could find seeds from those - my bee balm are red and magenta, and adding purple would be lovely. The hummingbirds here especially love the bee balm, and this year has been tough because the plants have been so battered by the daily thunderstorms. But they are still blooming, however tattered they look :)

  8. Your black beauty looks so dashingly handsome there in the field of lavender!!
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. R sure looks handsome in the field of beauty!

  10. The Bee Balm blooms are beautiful and make a great color for that wonderful shot of R!!!

  11. I love all things purple, too! Glorious colors!

  12. those flowers are GORGEOUS!! Sooo happy Feedburner seems to have fixed their issues and your blog is back in my inbox!!

  13. What wonderful flowers! We love purple and love the fuzzy petals
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. Great flowers, love the bee on the one.

  15. Oh my goodness! Purple everywhere! What a site that must be to see. I love purple flowers. I had to laugh at R's head peeking above them. lol Enjoy!

  16. I can only imagine how gorgeous those purple meadows must be.

  17. Lovely dog and lovely bee balm. We have planted some every place we have lived. It doesn't do well here, but still we persist.


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