Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thankful Thursday - For the Elk and the Stars

In May, we camped in a very high meadow that had an elk herd living within it. One night with a full moon, I was taking photos of the sky all night long (using a programmable shutter trigger while I slept). Much to my amazement, the elk herd wandered over in front of my camera. They seemed to move around all night long - but just short distances withing my camera's field of view.

In the video, you'll see ghostly tan butts (of elk) milling around under the sky full of stars. The stars were spinning around the North Star.


  1. today I am thankful for cameras like yours and for finding you to watch your videos of things I would never see, lions and bears OH MY and leaping and flying dogs and butts of elk and moose swimming... also thankful for the new technology that allows me to SEE all this

  2. Those stars just amaze but the elk butts are stars too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. What a cool video. How interesting that you were able to capture the elk herd with your star pictures.

  4. That is so beautiful! And a meteor, too!

  5. We are in awe and so very thankful we were able to enjoy this through your lens~~
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. i don't think I would have known those tan shapes are elk if you hadn't explained in advance - would probably just be scratching my head! :)


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