Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 3, 2018

Flower Friday

At our elevation, the wildflowers are starting to fade. However, I've barely shown you what did bloom in our mountains because everything bloomed at once!

The lupines that bloom at high elevation stun me every year. I love their purple!

They grow in the midst of a variety of wildflowers, including our yellow sunflowers and the native chocolate Labrador.

The yellow and purple makes a gorgeous combination.

Another of nature's bouquet's caught my attention. One reader pointed out that art school told him that red and purple don't go together. Both he and I disagree with that point of view!

As the flowers are drying out here, I think that we'll have to spend some time at high altitude, galloping and pedaling along trails lined with later-blooming flowers!

Even Columbines bloom late up high in our mountains. My last Columbine bud at home was preparing to open but a rodent ate it before it bloomed.
Where were the dogs when I needed them to protect my precious Columbines? Sleeping on the job, again!


  1. Hari OM
    Nature's palette beats any that an 'artist' will devise! YAM xx

  2. Your wildflowers are just stunning and so are you, Shyla! Mom's favorite color combo is purple and orange but purple and red will work too and we need to mentioned purple and chartreuse☺

  3. the prettiest flower of all is the native chocolate lab. so sweet in those flowers. I have never seen the lupine, it is really beautiful. I also have never seen fields of wildflowers like this, but I have now.

  4. Mother Nature sure knows how to put on a beautiful display of flowers. How wonderful that you also caught a glimpse of the rare Chocolate Labrador hidden among the blossoms. ;-)

  5. Pft, I think red and purple go together just fine!

  6. Each posie is gorgeous but I'm a wee pit partial to the Native Chocolate Lab
    Hugs madi and mom

  7. It must be wonderful to live among such beauty and with such beauty as that face peaking through the flowers. I've never seen a dog with such an expressive face.

  8. Those flowers are almost as gorgeous as sweet Shyla!

  9. Your flowers are always so pretty! Happy weekend.

  10. Red and purple, yellow and purple, and then the chocolate, all beautiful together.

  11. Sounds like a great reason to go for a high altitude romp.
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (who stayed a sea level for this Friday's post).

  12. What a beautiful collection of flowers this week...Love your Columbine, but the native Chocolate Labrador is our most favorite!
    Rosy, Arty & Jakey

  13. So many beautiful flowers growing there, but we must admit that the native Chocolate Lab is our favorite too - and one of a kind:)

  14. We love love love the wildflowers!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. I know your summer is short but is it certainly beautiful

  16. Gold and purple is my favorite color combination! I used to dabble in the textile arts and many of my scarves and tapestries were like the colors in the #3 photo

  17. The flowers are really beautiful! Columbine was a favorite when I lived in Alaska, and I miss having it here in Virginia, but it's too hot for its delicate flowers. But I had to chuckle about a bug eating your bud it reminded me of last fall when I was admiring a butterfly on a flower and Rhett ate it...

  18. All the flowers are so pretty, but we love the red/purple combination, with the "brown" accent :)

  19. Even Shyla looks amazed by all that color! :) I love the combination of it all in that first photo.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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