Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Thankful for our Shyla

This morning, before I'd even had breakfast, sweet Shyla had melted my heart.

Sadly, we'd awakened to a hazy world filled with smoke from fires to the west of us. The only upside to that is how it colors the sunlight rosy. Shyla was lying in a sun puddle, and I just had to take her photo because her fur was glowing red.

She started out looking at me, with those big and innocent eyes.

Then, R came into the room, and Shyla let her eyes flit over to him.

After she returned her attention to me, she decided to cover her nose -- which was about the cutest thing that she could have done at that instant!

For this Thursday, I am thankful for our sweet Shyla. I'm so glad that we have her warm, funny, and loving spirit in our lives.

I am also thankful that our friend Brian who hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. for me it is the best thing to wake up with a dog... no matter what the new day will bring I feel good for this first moment... even when Phenny pferes to wake me up with bitchslaps... we hope the fires will stay away from you and you haven't to leave the house...

  2. I am thankful you always show us your two pups, they make my day, as do the wildlife you show us here. Jake melts our hearts many times a day. sometimes just the way he sleeps with his paws wrapped around his pillow does the trick, or the way his head hangs off the sofa while sleeping.

  3. Such beautiful eye, but then again Shyla is a beauty inside and out! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Hari OM
    Gawjus, just gawjus! &*> YAM xx

  5. You are truly a beauty in every way, Shyla!

  6. She is so pretty. We are in Montana, and it's hazy here too. It does give everything a nice glow though.

  7. Such cute pictures of your sweet girl. I love how she keeps her eyes on her brother.

  8. The paw on the nose gets me EVERY time!!! So adorable!
    I hope you're safe from the fires!

  9. The past couple of mornings have been a sad testament to the ongoing fire season with fiery sunrises. We continue to hope and pray we can get a hold on these things and just enjoy another beautiful day in this amazing state.

  10. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Shyla and Mom thank you for sharing your beauty with us today.
    We do so wish we could send some rain to CA and all in need. My human sissy and BIL live on the NC Coast.
    They had 10" of rain last week.
    Hugs madi your bfff and mom

  11. WE have always loved that girls eyes. mags and gussie

  12. She really does love the camera and knows how to work those poses!

  13. Shyla,you are beautiful.

    But I just hate hearing about all those wildfires. :(

  14. Shyla is such a sweet girl - we love all her photos today and every day. And we love her too:)

  15. So very beautiful! We are hazy with smoke too
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. Our dogs can do the smallest things and make everything right

  17. I am reading about those fires in American, they are so scary. Take care.

  18. Sweet moments like that are the absolute best. ♥


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