Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 30, 2018

So Thankful that We Knew Them

S, R, and K - R still tilts his head to that same side!

After S was gone, the new-old Labraduo: R and K

We're so grateful that R knew our previous generation of Labs. He's the bridge between generations.


  1. beautiful... and they are the best reason to be thankful... always...

  2. Hari OM
    Made me grin, to see these wonderfurs pups! YAM xx

  3. Those are wonderful photos and they made us smile too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. all your angels and R and S are absolutely beautiful dogs. love the cocked head, what a sweet puppy

  5. What beautiful Labs. Your head tilt is making mom squeee♥

  6. For some reason I thought R was older...

    Beautiful dogs!

  7. Such beautiful pups! I wish I'd known some of my great-brothers and great-sisters in the furs instead of just hearing stories about them.

  8. What a beautiful Labra-trio and now Labra-Duo
    Hugs Madi and mom

  9. I like the link that R has to K and S, down here Felicity has known all our others, as one by one they left, or if a stray, just wandered off to another different home. The top photo, little R tilting his head as if to say " Here I am, What is next".

  10. It is so nice to see that beautiful trio - we did not know S, but just as beautiful as K and R (and Shyla too).

  11. Such beautiful dogs have graced your life. This made me think of how Hazel has been here for all except the first 2 pugs.
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. S was a gorgeous blond! Hubba hubba! Love to R ans Shyla.

  13. OMD, they were all so beautifuls! You are all so lucky to have found each other!!
    Ruby ♥

  14. How fun to have the three it different colors. What a great trio, but the duo is amazing too!

  15. How wonderful to have such good memories of dogs we've had. Each one different and each one precious.


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