Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 31, 2018

Late, late summer "flower" sights

Tis the season when raspberries hang in multitudes from bushes. Shyla stops unexpectedly many times during a mountain bike ride to delicately remove raspberries from a bush and eat them one-by-one. She adores them and so do I!

Alas, the arrival of our wild berries comes with a huge sense of urgency that we must fit in all our summer fun very quickly... for autumn is coming. I took this photo on August 10th!

I love the gold leaves but I'm not ready for them!

Fortunately, I love the sight of "golden" grass (a California euphemism)!  The pups don't mind it either although I check them carefully after each ride for foxtails.

I do miss these days....


  1. hari OM
    IT took a decidedly autumnal turn over here this past week and there are quite a few colourful leaves outside the Hutch's windows! We are hoping there will be another two or three weeks of warmer weather though... YAM xx

  2. I can't imagine having to deal with foxtails. I have read so many horror stories! You are getting the beginnings of fall, we are having some of our hottest weather yet of this summer!

  3. I prefer the flowers but the grasses are gorgeous to. never heard of foxtails.. here we have what we call beggar lice, they get on the coats of dogs and on our legs or pants and shoes. they cling and ride and drop off and make more. what about ticks in those grasses? do you have them there?

  4. I am back, I read and saw photos of the foxtail grass barbs and about the danger. hope they stay safe from this.

  5. Oh those barbs don't sound like fun at all.

  6. We've been seeing some color changes but that is mostly because of stress from our drought and super hot summer. Fall isn't in a hurry to get here either as we are having some highs in the 90's again next week.

  7. We think the autumn leaves and golden grasses are as pretty as any flower! We have a cool day today but the heat and humidity return in a couple of days for another round of hot fun. YUK!

  8. I am so ready for the golden days of Autumn!!!

  9. Mother nature will not let us out of the grips of this hot hazy heat we are in... September there will be warm days but hopefully not endless with heat index at 100 or 103. YIKES.
    Wish we could share some summer with you all
    Hugs madi and mom

  10. That raspberry does look very tasty. I love all berries!!! After a very hot and humid summer, fall will be welcomed here as long as the cold doesn't set in too quickly.

  11. My mom dies for raspberries. She doesn't go to pick your own places because nothing ends up in her bucket! We see a few wild blueberry bushes around here and we eat those right off the bush.

  12. I know winter is hard up your way, but I can't wait for autumn to arrive. We're seeing subtle signs around the city it's around the corner, namely some cooler temps and a few spots of gold.

  13. Such beautiful photos KB! That raspberry was so stunning! Our fall colors have not started yet. So much is just brown from the dry hot summer.,


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