Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Labraduo Sunday

I was trying for a photo of the Duo, atop Hug Hill, when I got this outtake. I suspect that they were both distracted by insects...

On a later attempt, when I told them that I had treats, they both looked toward the camera...
... but R's eyes were closed (he doesn't like bright sunlight).

On yet another try, finally, I got the sort of photo that I was hoping for. They are a wonderful pair.

They both like action photos much better... but sometimes they stick their tongues out!
Getting good photos of dogs takes lots of patience!


  1. you must have a ton of patience because all your pup pics are wonderful. I do see the difference in the three and in the last what you wanted.. the eyes are perfect in the last on but I love the closed eyes and also the looking opposite ways

  2. Hari OM
    These, particularly the first, have the feel of 'two as one'! YAM xx

  3. Great photos! We always love seeing the two of you together!

  4. The sun loves their beautiful LabraDuo furs.
    Hugs madi and mom

  5. You know, third time is the charm, and of course, treats always work wonders:) Happy Sunday.

  6. Thank goodness for digital photography. No more "wasted" pictures that you don't find out about until you process the film.

  7. I'm kind of glad to hear that you have outtakes with your duo as well! Treats go a long way toward cooperating for photos around here! :)

  8. And they are indeed lovely photographs.

  9. I've trained Mom to pay me after ALL photo ops :)

  10. Just look at that beautiful pair!


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