Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 14, 2018

Autumn and flowers in the high Rocky Mountains

Our time in the alpine world became more fall-like as our trip went on. The meadows glowed with golden grass. And sometimes jagged silhouettes of mountains loomed over those meadows.
I took the photo above at the start of a mountain bike ride fairly early in our trip. Unfortunately, I messed up a downhill section of that ride and had a fairly bad crash. I fractured a rib, hurt a shoulder, tweaked my surgically fused neck, and sustained a bunch of abrasions. I managed to keep moving for the rest of the trip... but I had no pain-free days after that crash. I'm still struggling now to recover.

I love our summer trips so I tried not to let my injuries prevent me from enjoying the incredible beauty. This was another autumn scene from a bike ride. I was at about 11,000' and those mountains on the horizon were even higher than that!

The flowers were finished blooming up so high but the leaves left behind were colorful!

I love routes that spend time out in the open of the alpine (do you see my trail in the distance?)...

... but also dive into the forest at lower elevations. A few forest flowers were still blooming, much to my delight!
And lovely purple flowers that even attracted a pollinator.
The mountains are so gorgeous despite the dearth of flowers. I did love the forest flowers that I saw down lower in the trees.

Thanks to our friend Rosy for hosting the Flower Friday blog hop!


  1. The mountains are so majestic, you photograph them as if
    I was standing on them looking out. But the flowers are
    amazing too.
    We hope you are resting and recovering.
    POTP ♥

    xo Astro & Mitzie

  2. now this post belongs on FLOWER Friday, A plus on this one. love that golden field and the one with your bike trail in it. sorry to hear about the crash and bob says his broken ribs were more painful than his open heart surgery.... he had five fractures from a fall down and over a ladder. this was 19 years ago. he still talks about it. hope you are healed completely and soon.... you always have amazing sights

  3. Ouch! But such is the potential pain we pay to play in the mountains...as Bobbie and I nurse wounds and scabs from out last outing. We call them our red badges of courage :). Ribs tho...that's painful.
    I think I recognize your location :)).
    Box Canyon Mark

  4. You sure found pretty flowers and foliage on your trip. We're sorry to hear about such a bad fall. Our paws are crossed that you heal quickly.

  5. Your rib would be so painful, hope you are mending by now.Truly beautiful scenes, and that purple shade, I wonder how soon we will see snow up there?

  6. So very beautiful and yes, we do see your trail, KB! We are sending you lots of healing vibes!

  7. Oh my, I sure hope the pain settles down for you soon...sending bunches of POTP your way.

    What beauty you found along your journey!

  8. Oh man I don't know how you could keep going after the wreck. I hope your neck is OK and the rib heals quickly. Great pictures and makes me feel like fall is not far off.

  9. So sorry to learn of your accident. I hope you begin to feel better with less pain soon. Take good care.

  10. Beautiful pictures. I'm so jealous! Get better soon.

  11. Ouch! That sounds like quite a crash. Our sympathies as you heal up. We recall that you're a rather impatient patient...

    Chris from Boise

  12. All gorgeous photos, but we are most struck by the one of the lovely colored leaves.

    Ouchie!!!!! We hope you will see some relief soon - all the best for a good recovery.

  13. Were hoping your bones heal, and the pain gets under control KB.. That is scary to have such a terrible fall! All the colors are beautiful! The hills look golden with spashes of color! What a beautiful world,,, and trails to ride on,

  14. What gorgeous colors! I'm sorry about your crash and injuries though. I hope you are feeling some better by now. You're having some tough times lately. :(
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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