Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Summers Wonders

Summertime brings so many things that I love. As summer is waning, it is a good time to join our friend Brian giving thanks for what I love about summer.

I love playing with our dogs in high mountain lakes. As I watch R frolic like a puppy, I feel so thankful that we were able to get him CUE surgery for his elbow dysplasia a couple of years ago. He's doing so well that he can even run on top of the water!

I also love watching the stars in the sky from a campsite in the high and dark Rocky Mountains. We can see the Milky Way!

I made a time lapse video of the Milky Way moving from east to west across the sky between midnight and 4:30 AM. Then, clouds whooshed in and covered up all the stars. I didn't have to stay awake to take the photos for this video - instead, I used an "intervalometer" to control my camera. After I arrived home, I made a time lapse video from the photos which compressed the action down to about 40 seconds! It's so fun for me to see the movement of the Milky Way in time lapse. I hope that you enjoy it too!


  1. oh wow a miracle pup who can walk on the water ;O)))

  2. Those stars are beautiful but you are the real star R!!! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. the video is amazing, all those zillions of stars, so beautiful and The Dog Who Walks On Water, even more amazing

  4. Your video is just beautiful, KB - and you are amazing, R!

  5. Oh wow, R, I'm going to have to practice to get as good as you! I keep sinking into the water!

  6. Love the jumping form your dogs do when diving in. So beautifully poetic.

  7. I love that shot of R. Great capture.

  8. What a great frolicker R is!!

    As always, I adore your starry sky/milky way photography!

  9. R, we are so happy to see you having such a wonderful time. You are so wonderful. We a thankful for being able to visit so many wonderful blogs and getting to meet so many nice people over time. Now we can relax and look up at the stars at night. Thanks for the lovely share. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  10. Enjoying life and the beauty of it all is a wonderful thing.

  11. What a cool video! While the clouds covered up the stars, they really added some extra effect to it!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. We so enjoyed your time lapse video - just beautiful to see the skies so full of stars.

    R is amazing, isn't he!!!

  13. The video is sooo beautiful!!! Love it! And love to see R dancing on the water!


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