Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

In the midst of trying to come to terms with R's progression toward blindness, I had the chance to spend a lot of time with him and his sister on bike rides during this past week. It was a beautiful time of year to do it!

They look like a singing duet in this photo! Actually, R was singing while waving. He's multi-talented!

R never ceases to make me laugh. He's revving up the propellers for take-off in this photo. (His furless belly is due a recent ultrasound).

R has become very good at waving. He waves very high, way up over his head - like he does when he and I are doing some elbow-shoulder range of motion exercises.
You can see the asymmetry in his eyes in the last photo and the next photo. His left eye is blind, and it's bigger than his right eye due to the high pressure inside it. There's a chance that he'll end up losing that eye if the meds cannot control the intra-ocular pressure. Apparently, high pressure could make an eye become very painful, leading to its removal. I hope that doesn't happen but we'll do whatever it takes to keep R happy.

No matter what, I'll always love getting photos of this Duo.

They make me smile and laugh so much!


  1. I needed a smile and now I have two, the first was the in harmony singers and the 2nd was the HIHG five.. they are so beautiful. my heart hurts for you and for R and his sight loss... tell them I send them love and hugs

  2. You are the most handsome boy and we LOVE the pictures of you and Shyla singing,R! You remain in our thoughts and prayers♥

  3. Oh my word you LabraDuos are in perfect harmony and now I'm humming and waving to R.
    Great photos.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. The LabraDuo makes me smile! I love R's waves.

  5. I haven't had a computer for a while, so I haven't kept up with R. I'm so sorry about his eye and I hope his right eye will be OK. This is so sad, but maybe more for us humans than for the dogs who adapt so well. And he's in fine form here and his high five is right on!

  6. R is every bit as handsome as Shyla is beautiful!

  7. No matter what happens, you have so many joyful moments like these ahead of you! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. TheSibes here would love to sing along with your LabraDuo:)

  9. They are such beautiful dogs! I love these pictures of them!

  10. Oh you guys! You looks like you're havin' so much funs!!!! I gots my paws crossed real tight that the meds will work R!!! {{hugs}}
    Ruby ♥

  11. They both look so beautiful against your fall colors. Our paws are crossed for R and we hope the medication helps his eyes.

  12. Love the wave. And that last image...wow. Just wow!


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