Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Wonder of Autumn

I'm going to move my wildlife posts to Tuesday so I will have one tomorrow.

Today, let's celebrate the beauty of autumn in the Rockies. I love the aspen leaves - especially those rare ones that turn red instead of golden.

 Autumn leaves are even better when the Labraduo is in the frame with them. 
I wish that the golden leaves could hang on forever. Alas, there is snow in the forecast within the next week so they will probably flutter to the ground soon.

We have been so busy visiting all of the places that we love in the fall. The next photo shows Shyla in a swimming spot where we always took Angel K for her birthday in late September. We've continued that tradition to this day, 6.5 years after her death.

And here is R in that same lake (with Shyla in the background). Many generations of our dogs have swum in this lake so visiting it brings back wonderful memories.

I wish that autumn could go on forever...


  1. Beautiful pictures, as always.

    Ugh, snow, already!?! Too soon, I don't want to think about it! But I wouldn't mind a little cooler weather. We are going to be in the high 70's and low 80's this week, and humid. Hard to believe it's October!

  2. Autumn is so gorgeous and it's our favorite season! Bentley and Pierre told us that today is National Black Dog Day so enjoy every second of your day, R - and you too, Shyla!

  3. Fabulous aspen leaves! I think I need to take a drive up into the hills to see some beautiful splendor like that. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love autumn, such a colorful time. I really love the red aspens too. Magical.

  5. I love your swimming tradition! What a beautiful spot. We are just starting to see changing colors here. I'm not sure how all the rain we're getting lately is going to affect them. It certainly seems to be off to a very slow start.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  6. those golden colours and red leaves are so beautiful.Down here, the cherry trees are just beginning to blossom.

  7. Love that last shot of Shyla. Beautiful! I'm still trying to accept that summer is gone. Don't even start with that "s" word. lol

  8. Such breathtaking beauty!! It seems summer flew by this year, doesn't it?!

  9. I agree with Gang at LLB! absolutely golden and the LabraDuos gorgeous
    I'll be taking a few days off see ya later this week
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Everything is better with the LabraDuo in the frame! :)
    I love the colors of Autumn. We are just now starting to see the leaves change in our part of KS. This has to be my favorite time of the year!

  11. Shyla's eyebrows match the colourful aspens...BOL!

  12. Such beautiful photos for a beautiful time of the year!

  13. All your fall color pictures are beautiful. I love the reflection of the yellow leaves on the lake in the picture of R with Shyla in the background.

  14. We love the fall here too. Cool nights, sunny days, beautiful colors in the trees. We can't believe your post already has the word snow in it:)

  15. Oh, Fall is our favorite!!! We don't have too many purty tree colors here, mostly brown and yellow, butts we do loves the cool nights! It's suppose to rain tomorrow, and although we sure do need it, I'm not sure I'm ready for the rainy season yet! ☺ Plus, I just put lots of green papers into my AC! ☺
    Anyhu, sure looks like a fun time you guys had!
    Ruby ♥

  16. That swimming spot looks like lots of fun. We visit places Mom used to go with her first dog and where she went with me and Katie. Bringing back the memories is always fun.

  17. Beautiful. beautiful photos,,,,, and both Shyla and R are so happy!


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