Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Black Dog Sunday - Almost Wordless

I'd been holding back photos where R's blindness was too obvious - primarily because they break my heart. As part of me accepting this change, I'm going to start sharing those photos. These are a few images that I love from this autumn that I haven't shared yet.

The Labraduo in the golden leaves...

R looking at me intently from an aspen grove.

R diving into a high mountain lake for what was probably the last time this year. (It's supposed to snow 8-14" tonight).

And bringing back a ball that he successfully tracked down in the water. 
These images truly bring home the message that R is still living joyfully. We see the ophthalmologist with R this week so we'll get more insight into whether the meds seem to be helping slow the progression of glaucoma.

Happy Black Dog Sunday - we should all be as happy as R!


  1. I said a prayer this morning that the doc will find a way to slow the disease in the good eye. that was before I saw this heartbreaking photo. my eyes are full of tears for this beautiful precious black boy... prayers and hugs for you as you struggle to deal with this illness .. I am glad you shared though, they are both so beautiful and I love to see them together

  2. Such a handsome dude and we sure hope there is good news from the Vet.

  3. We pray that you continue to be the most happy boy, R!

  4. R the love and joy in your Labra eyes is evident in your happy million dollar in your smile and the wag of your tail and I think your glorious black fur is even shining 87 xs as bright. Carry on you hunk of burning love. Shyla and R are truly glowing in the first photo
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Awwww, sweet man. It's crazy how they adapt though. Sometimes I think this stuff is harder on us, than them.

  6. Hari Om
    Sarling R, still handsome dude!!! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Share with us, R is coping so well so far, And as for the snow, we have it a bit north of us, and only 2 C this morning at our home.Lit the fire!!! Thanks so much for your loving comment.

  8. Happy Sunday. We're close to receiving 4" now and it's still snowing. The dogs are loving it and it's not sticking to the sidewalks so I'm loving it too. Stay warm.

  9. I worked for almost 20 years with blind/low vision children. Only the humans felt sorry for them, the kids just got on with life and had a great time. R is like that. Just look at what he can do and how much he enjoys life.

  10. We hope you get good news at the appointment this week, and I'm glad you shared these photos with us. It's so wonderful to see R enjoying himself as always! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. R sure looks happy in all those pictures. We will keep our paws crossed that the medication is helping him.

  12. Paws crossed for R. Love to see him enjoying life!
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. Have no fear - he is as handsome as ever, eye issue or not. We hope you get some good news from the ophthalmologist on the pressure.

  14. I always enjoy seeing photos of R! He's definitely still living life fully and joyously!

  15. Thank you for sharing. I know how hard this has been for you. I went through something similar when Brut was diagnosed with a tumor on his spleen. The pressure in his one eye made the retina detach and for that short time period he was blind in his right eye. Of course there was so many other problems, it was pretty minor at the time.

    R's life is far from over. Blind or not. Learn through him as you did through K. He will show you the way. :)

  16. I knows it must be hard lookin' at the photos, butts you knows we loves R and all the challenges he is facing. I just knows he has the right pack to help him with this. I gots my paws crossed that they can find some meds to slow the progression in the other eye. {{{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥

  17. I understand completely why looking at R's clouding eyes is painful for you. But you don't see R as any less beautiful and he will never see you as any less beautiful, even if he is seeing you mostly with his nose and his ears and his heart.

  18. He just loves to look at you. That's what made me fall in love with him. And now I understand fully why those pictures would break your heart. I hope you will get some good news from the doctor. Whatever will happen, he will manage and you will too.

  19. Your beautiful pups KB,,, and they are happy. I know this is breaking your heart. All your friends are right there with you as you all go through this. We have so much love for R and Shyla,,, and were hoping for good news from the vet clinic. R still has his zest,,,he is happy


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