Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 15, 2018

Clouds Floating over a Golden Aspen Grove

We recently had a humongous change in the weather in a very short time. It felt as if I was wearing shorts one day but then needed a thick winter coat the next day.

The change started with low-lying clouds that swirled around our world.

I knew that this change probably signaled the end of the leaves so I flew to capture their beauty one more time.

Navigation was a challenge but the beauty was definitely worth the flight.

Indeed, the change in the weather stuck around, and Mother Nature dumped a lot of white stuff on us the other night.
Yes, in one fell swoop, Mother Nature painted our playground wintry!

I made a short video from above the aspen grove - enjoy!


  1. wow snow much fun... it is like a miracle that the weather change happens within a blink of an eye... we jumped from august-temps to november over night...

  2. Beautiful and brrrrr at the same time!

  3. The clouds look so mystical as we fly over your beautiful Aspens. Have fun in the snow, Shyla!

  4. We love your aerial views. That sure is a lot of snow. It looks like Shyla is enjoying herself leaping through the snow.

  5. Flying views are always beautiful , and so quickly all is changed until next season. Enjoy the last of your autumn colours as they fall.

  6. love the snowpup look and the view from above is gorgeous. I assume the bears and lions will be happy with the snow, just like R and Shyla..

  7. Just gorgeous and I love the snow.

  8. Even the clouds are gorgeous with the golden Aspen.
    High fives to you Shyla.
    Fingers crossed this won't disappear since I'm on my desk top
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Nice! We had about an inch of snow Sunday morning, but it is all melted now. Snow is so peaceful.

  10. Here in northwest Indiana it was in the mid-80s last Monday and Tuesday, in the 50s on Wednesday, in the 40s on Thursday with a frost warning for Thursday night... and it's been in the 30s-50s ever since. Summer had its last hurrah before giving a permanent good-bye until next year. It sounds like she did the same thing in your neck of the woods as well. :) ~Andrea

  11. I was showing your pictures to one of my students. We don't have groves of one particular tree here, they are all mixed together. So we will never have a beautiful golden grove, it's more a rainbow of autumn colors.

  12. Mother Nature does not seem to believe in gradual changes, does she? The clouds and mist really do add so much beauty to things, even though sunshine is usually our preference!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. The aspens are just so beautiful. The snow - well, let's just say we don't need it here with everything else going on:)

  14. Oh the utube was absolutely gorgeous! KB,, you capture magic of your world! The colors are so beautiful! And the snow!

  15. I always love to see pictures of your kids charging through the snow


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