Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

Normally, I like to share photos of our Black Dog's adventures on Sundays. He is doing fabulously - he is acting more happy and upbeat than we dared to dream so soon after having his eye removed. In addition to his happiness, it seems that his perception of the world hasn't changed at all after losing his left eye, perhaps because it was blind for the last month or so. He was bumping into things on his left side prior to surgery, and he still is. He will probably get better at navigation with experience.

The healing process from having an eye removed isn't pretty. I've decided not to share photos until he has healed a bit more and has grown some fur on his face. We love him like crazy regardless of how he looks but I don't want to shock anyone with the photos at this point in the healing process.

I am taking photos each day to document the recovery from this surgery. I plan to make a photo series of his healing to help other dog owners to know what to expect if their dog needs to have an eye removed.

For today, let's revel in R's exuberant and unstoppable zest for life. This photo was from springtime and highlights his gorgeous brown eyes and his love of sprinting through life.
With that intensity for living life to the fullest, we all know that R will be back to sprinting through meadows before we know it.

Here was a recent photo of R and his sister.
I hope that they'll be playing in the forest together again before too long. As glaucoma affects R's vision in his remaining eye, we are hoping that his sister will learn to help guide him a bit.

Thanks so much for all of your support, kind words, and good thoughts. I know that R will find his way, and he'll help us find our way too.


  1. great idea on keeping the records for others to use. I love that last Dynamic Duo photo. I always smile when I see them together.

  2. Hari Om
    Who - anyone? - looks their best following surgery??? Dogs do generally heal remarkable quickly and I just know we will be seeing R back on our screens again soon!!! Sending some POTP for that. YAM XX

  3. Together as one family, with love, and a heap of happiness, the best for R, and sending love northwards to you all. R will recover so well, as he has done before and with Shyla there at his side, life will be full of fun for them both. I am sure she knows all about this and will adapt to showing R the way.

  4. We are so glad that R is doing well and have faith that he will manage very well once the wound heals. Being pain-free will be such a big asset!

  5. So happy to hear that recovery is going well! And, of course, we all knew that R would take it in his stride :)

  6. I'm so happy to hear that the recovery is going well and we sure send lots of purrs to that handsome guy.

  7. We are so happy to hear that you are healing wonderfully, R! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  8. That is such a great update for us!!! We justknow that R's exuberant spirt and resilience will continue for a long time. And that bond between him and Shyla will help him immensely and will only continue to grow stronger and stronger. You made us smile a lot today.

  9. I'm so glad R is doing well! And it's very good of you to plan a photodocumentation of the recovery process to help others who may face this situation in the future. Have a lovely Sunday :)

  10. We just knew that R would do soooo well in his recovery! Continued prayers and hugs.

  11. I know how you feel about the photos. I'm glad he's doing well, and it sounds like you are too! Take care, and I still continue to send the best of healing vibes to your time zone.

  12. ❤️❤️‼️‼️😻😻👏🏻and 87 hugs to you all on R’s medical team and his home care professionals I am 109% #sure R is twice as handsome, if that is possible, all due to feeling better and the TLC
    hugs to all

  13. We continue to send POTP thoughts for a full and happy recovery and rehab.

  14. We are celebrating R,,,, and his recovery,,, and his zest for living each day to the fullest.

  15. We are so happy to hear R is doing well...He is such a sweet boy!

  16. So glad to hear that R is doing so well. Hope you are feeling better about things to. <3

  17. I'm so glad he's recovering so well. And sorry I took a break from blogging while this was going on. Since Samson may need his eyes removed eventually, I am glad you plan to post about the surgery and the healing process. As you said, it would be helpful. R is such a wonderful dog, so full of life, so happy, so strong, I am not surprised he's doing so well. The photos of the mountain lions were wonderful. Thanks for those and for the education you provide about wildlife.

  18. R is such a wonderful boy and we love that he is enjoying life!
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. We are so glad R continues to do well. I always remember photos I took of Sheba after her second cancer surgery. Here she was with this jagged cut all down her side, stitched up, and there she was with her usual silly grin on her face. All she wanted was to be let of the room where we had her recovering! Dogs are so amazing. ♥

  20. We're so glad to hear R is doing well with his recovery.

  21. I'm hoping your boy recovers quickly, and that he retains his vision in his other eye for many years to come. He's such a beautiful boy!

  22. We love that bouncing boy. Glad to hear he's already feeling better!

    Chris from Boise

  23. Oh R, I just knows you are gonna do just fine, cause you gots a most FABulous pack backing you up!!! I am glads you are now outta pain, and you are gonna be just as fast and bouncy as you ever were!
    {{{hugs}}} and healin' vibes!
    Ruby ♥

  24. Love R's exuberance for life! Sounds like he is somehow taking all of this in stride, and will be back running in the meadows before long.


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