Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Autumn and Winter Intertwined

Autumn and winter mix together here. Our first snow is usually in September or October. It was in early October this year. It was gorgeous even if it was a shock to my system.

The snow fell while golden leaves still hung on our aspens. I love the combination of autumn leaves and snow.

Alas, the snowfall was the end of autumn leaves as most of them fell to the ground or turned brown within days. I made sure to enjoy the fleeting beauty of these leaves.

Now, we are truly in the shoulder season when our world oscillates back and forth between the seasons. Up higher, on those mountains higher than 10,000'', it is truly winter. The white snow and the clouds hugging the mountains make that clear.

Down at our elevation, the world is brown and dry. It is sometimes warm enough to ride my bike in shorts - although more snow is due later this week. Sweet Shyla manages to brighten it up.
What is it like at this time of year where you live?


  1. Hari Om
    Unbelievably, the Hutch has been bathed in sunshine under cloudless blue skies for the past three days - but very low temps. I am certain the rain will return and normal weather will resume. Right now though, we are basking! YAM xx

  2. Our high will be 66 today and it's sunny. We're taking Toby for his first beach walk of the season (we stay away in tourist season). This has been a very hot, humid, rainy year here in Virginia. It's nice to wear sweaters in the evening again.

  3. It is so striking to see leaves and snow together. We have a warmer week ahead - highs in the 50's and near 60 degrees.

  4. no seasons here, looks the same year round, but today we had a cold front of 58 at wakeup going to 80.. Shyla you ROCK... so do the colors of fall in the snow. wow

  5. Love the photos 100%. How do you get Shyle to raise her paw? IT is adorable!!
    Well as for NC weather as we like to say about 6 months a year...if you don't like our weather wait 5 minutes it will change. Very cold and breeze and wet over the weekend. Today skies that are Colorado blue, breezy and 61. Might be in he 70's by Thursday. Crazy weather.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. One day air conditioning, the next the furnace. Or sometimes both in one day. Yesterday leaves were raining down. Love this time of year in Kansas.

  7. We finally have lots of Autumn foliage to enjoy! But no sooner had the leaves changed color than a Nor'easter swept through and brought a lot of the leaves down. But I still got some pictures, which I post tonight or tomorrow.

  8. I'm not anxious for winter to arrive, beautiful though it is, but I sure do wish the rain would STOP. My water-filled bootprints in the barnyard are three inches deep, and the goats are doing anything to avoid the mud - I've got boards scattered around like little bridges between rocks and water buckets and such. What a YEAR.

  9. Love those snow pics!!Down here, we have had some rain, really just a drizzle that was constant, not needing a fire, and this morning it is 9C, a friend a long way further south, has 4 C, I go to www.yr.no, a Norwegian site that is really accurate for temps. I do check your place often.

  10. Shyla looks like she's waving goodbye to summer. LOVE the contract of the aspen trees in the snow. What a beautiful shot!

  11. I too love the snow pictures and Shyla's pose is great. Weather here is cold nights and warm days. They promised it would be cooler today, we'll see. Completely dry, no rain since spring.

  12. Despite a touch of rain, we're still in drought. However, the temperatures have been in the upper 80s and the flowers, shrubs and trees are all blooming.

  13. We've been having the worst fall ever here! It's been pretty much nothing but dreary and wet. We did get a little snow one day, but it was mixed in with sleet and rain so didn't even get pretty. I love the shot with the yellow trees in the middle of all the snow covered ones. You really got quite a bit of snow there!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. We saw all our leaves turn color in two days time and then with a few warm days and some wind, they are almost all on the ground now. But it was pretty while it lasted.

    The snow there always looks so much prettier than ours - pristine and clean and snowy white!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. Your photos are beautiful KB.! We finally had 2 nights of rain storms that our forests needed so badly! Autumn is 100 percent in full effect,,, all the colors you can imagine,,, changing shades as each day passes.. But the heavy rain knocked many of the leaves to the ground,,, and so now the roads and fields,,, and our yard are covered in a zillion leaves! Many more leaves to fall yet! Today our temperature was about 45 to 50... There was a fleeting rainbow,,, and clouds of all colors. Higher in the mountains, snow has fallen,. It will come and go as if its playing tag.And then,, the real winter will begin.. But there is no beauty compared to the beauty you share with us,, Your world is in our heart,, just as you all are

  16. Love the picture of Shyla! The seasons are playing with us too. 70's over the weekend and 40's the next couple of days
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. Oh, those photos are FABulous! The Aspen's look like they are the only color in a see of grey! Our weather?? Wells, today it was 70, this week it'll be up in the 80's then back down to 70, then 80, you gets the picture! BOL! Not that I'm complaining! It is most FABulous!!! Butts, soon the rain will come, Ma's got her paws crossed for cold winter storms, butts alas she probably will be disappointed again. sigh.
    Shyla, I'm givin' you a High Paw back gurl!
    All my loves and AireZens to R!!
    Ruby ♥

  18. Snow is so beautiful. No wonder we love winter so much here.


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