Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tiny, the Black Bear, is Injured

Near the end of August, a very big bear showed up in our neck of the woods limping badly. At first, I didn't recognize him but I slowly had to accept who is was - Tiny - our biggest black bear who has ruled our forest for a long time.

He is the biggest black bear who I've ever seen.

He has a way with the sows. Mohawk, our youngish sow, is the blacker bear on the left. Tiny was letting her push him around. The two were traveling together during mating season.

During his courting of Mohawk, Tiny took a break in a small water pool

The last time that I saw Tiny in the first half of the summer, he took a mellow swim. See it in this short video.

Every summer, he disappears for a while after mating season. I assumed that he was traveling throughout his range searching for food. Most years, he'd return to our area in the fall, remaining active until far after most other bears had retired to their dens. He also returned incredibly fat, ready for a long winter without food.

This year was different. Tiny returned in late August, and he was nowhere near as fat as usual. As he began to walk in front of my trail cam, I found out why. He was not bearing any weight on his right hind paw. I caught two short clips of him tripedally walking before he disappeared.

At the end of the video, you saw him walk up the steep hill without using that hind paw. I am hoping (guessing?) that he went straight to a den to save energy and begin to heal. If we're lucky, we'll see him again next spring.

I am very sad to see the magnificent animal injured. I will be watching for him next spring.


  1. we send lots of POTP to Tiny... and we hope that he is strong enough to heal...

  2. I sure hope that Tiny is okay, we're with you, we hate to see him hurting.

  3. This is where I would be sneaking to where I see him most often, and leaving him food. I'm unable to see some injured creature and walk away. I know it's what we are supposed to do, I know we are not supposed to interfere with wild life, but even knowing that...I wouldn't be able to stop myself. My daughter is the same way, I'll try to post about her recent encounter with some local wildlife. It's kind of a funny story.

    1. I have exactly the same thought when something like this happens but there are 2 problems. First, finding him would be very hard with millions of acres of forest for him to wander. The second problem is that leaving food near him would attract other bears and wildlife who might hurt him. That convinces me not to try to intervene. I am rooting for him.

  4. Hari Om
    I too send POTP to handsome Tiny... we have grown fond of him through your lens. YAM xx

  5. that is heart breaking to see him not use that leg. he is so beautiful and I do hope it is something that will heal. I don't see anything like a cut. could even be a thorn in his paw. he is so magnificent.

  6. Oh, no - this is terribly worrisome. Like you, I hope he is able to find a safe place to rest and heal.

  7. Gosh, that is a worry! Do you think that the rest during hibernation will help him heal? And is he fat enough to be able to hibernate?

    1. Yes, the rest will help a lot. He is not as fat as other years but I think that he has a decent chance of surviving. I know that I will be waiting anxiously to see him in the spring. We all need to send him POTP. Thanks.

  8. This is so sad. I wonder what happened to him. I hope he can get that foot well this winter.

  9. Oh no. I hope Tiny's long winter sleep will help him heal.

  10. Oh no I'm so sorry I hate to see Tiny injured. I hope it is just a sore pad/paw and not a broken bone.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. We have our paws crossed that Tiny will heal over the winter and that we see him again healthier in the spring.

  12. That's so sad. We hope Tiny heals well during his winter sleep. 🐻

  13. Oh my, poor Tiny, he certainly is having a trying time this year. I am certainly rooting for this handsome fella. Is the end of August too early for him to be thinking of denning? I am so sick of humans interfering (if indeed it was a human contraption that caused this injury) in our beautiful wildlife. He has our 100% support. I lost my JJ (wild boar) this year due to humans, they caught him in a snare, chopped his head off and left his beautiful body to rot. Good luck Tiny.


  14. Tiny is a survivor!!! We are so sorry he is hurt, but we hope the long winter's rest will help him heal. Lightning says he totally sympathizes with him, but at least Tiny doesn't have to wear a cone:)

  15. Oh no, poor Tiny! We also hope he can take the winter to recover. At least it looks like he's learning to get around OK. Animals are so resilient. We had a wild turkey hanging around who was also visibly injured. We haven't noticed her for a bit so we hope that means she recovered and no longer stands out.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. This makes us sad We sure hope the winter rest will help him heal and he will be back
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. Hope he is alright and will heal over the winter.


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