Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Trick for Halloween & Black Dog Pupdate

I've been working on a trick with Shyla. It's not perfect yet but it's good enough to use to earn treats!

I am teaching Shyla to match an object that I hold up. I have gathered a number of pairs of identical objects. I put one object from each pair on a table. I hold up an object that is identical to one on the table, and I say "match it". Shyla is then supposed to touch the identical object with her nose.

This is not easy to teach or for a dog to grasp. I've spent about a month on it so far. I love the time that I spend on this with Shyla because I am absolutely fascinated by how dogs' brains work. I think that Shyla loves it too based on her happy demeanor whenever we are working on this game.

Without further ado, here is a short video of me holding up one object from each matched pair and asking Shyla to "match it"! Happy trick or treating!

On a different topic, our Black Dog is healing well. He is bubbling with happiness- which makes me think that his eye was hurting a lot. We love him.

He is waving to you!!


  1. Hari Om
    good news about R... and fabulous fun with Shyla!!! YAM xx

  2. We enjoyed that video, what fun and such a smart Shyla! We're so glad to hear that R is doing well.

  3. He's winking at me, too! Love ya', R! That Shyla is such a smart cookie :)

  4. That does look like a difficult trick :) Glad for the good news update!

  5. that is amazing!!!!!! bravo!!! and a super good idea to keep them entertained when the weather is too bad for long walks... we send hugs and potp to R and we hope the good news continue... Happy Howloween ;O)

  6. Shyla is so smart, so are you for teaching her this. AMAZING both of you and my eyes are filled with tears for your Beautiful Black dog R... still beautiful and oh so sweet.. hugs to R

  7. Waving back at ya R.
    And Shyla you are so smart!!!
    Happy Halloween.
    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  8. We are waving right back atcha, R☺ OMD, Shyla - you are TOO smart!

  9. SO good to see happy Shyla AND handsome R!
    I have often been impressed with some of the words my dogs have understood as concepts...my very first Irish Wolfhound, back when I lived not far from where you are now, understood the word "shade" with very little effort from me. Kind of a marvel, when you think about it!
    I've taught Piper hand-signals since she was a pup, but only recently taught her a hand-signal so she would go get her empty dish and bring it to me, saving me one "lean" every morning. That can't-teach-an-old-dog-new-tricks thing is a lot of rubbish - Piper picked up the hand-signal AND the need to put the dish in my hands, not just drop it at my feet, in just a few days.

  10. OMD, Shyla, that looks so hard! You're super smart!

  11. Shyla is so smart...and she has a great teacher. We're glad to hear R is doing well. He is looking good too.

  12. I am sooo impressed with the talent's of Miss. Shyla!! That is fantastic. We are so happy to hear that R is doing great in his recovery. Continued prayers being sent.


  13. Wow...that video was pawsome! Glad to hear R is recovering nicely. Happy Howloween 🎃

  14. Did you and Shyla hear me clapping and cheering with gusto. MY word above. Bravo Bravo to both you ladies!
    I cannot imagine learning that in a month. I would have guessed multiple months!!!! Now that is the true meaning of A W E S O M E. If I could throw treats thru the monitor I would.

    R....darling I'm filled with glee to hear that you are bubbling with Happy!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. This made my day! Not only the smartest girl in the Rockies...but the happiest boy!
    Happy Halloween!!

  16. I am in AWE of that trick! I would love to hear more about how you started the training for that! I have been teaching Cedar a lot more tricks than I did with Jimmy/Wilson, but don't have a clue how you would do this one. I guess you start with just one item and build from there.

    Such wonderful news to hear that R is feeling so much better. YAY!!!!

  17. That's a great wink, R!!! We are so happy you are doing so well. Lightning is a bit on the hyper side today so we are so hoping that is a good sign. Hopefully THIS Thursday will be the freedom from cone day. HIs incision scab has been too heavy and thick to take a chance on letting him go cone-free. Here's hoping there is good news tomorrow.

    Shyla, you are just SO smart - that is amazing!!!

  18. So glad the black dog is feeling well and happy.

  19. Hi, R, you look great, buddy!! We are so glad you are recovering and feeling well.
    That trick with Shyla is amazing. I'd love to know how you trained it, or where to find instructions to do so. Luke seems so observant of things at times, I think he'd do well at that.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. Thank you for sharing! It's wonderful to see Shyla so confident. Great job Shyla! And, great job R on surpassing all hopes and expectations on your recovery!

  21. You and Shyla are awesome. Glad to hear R is improving.

  22. We're waving back, R!!! We love you!!!!
    Cam and Mags

  23. WOW! Shyla really grasps the matching concept! You're doing it much more formally than Obi and I have done; I'll have to work up to your technique. We love learning so much from you!

    We think that R is as handsome as ever, and even a little more rakish. From the images you share with us, it's hard to imagine he was less exuberant this last couple of months, but great that you are seeing a joyful difference with that dang eye now gone. Hooray!


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