Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Playful Shyla

 I am thankful for Shyla, a dog who has taught me more than any other.

I've mentioned that we've been playing together a lot for the past 6 months or so. It is proving to be a great way to help a fearful dog not be so worried about life. Most dogs start to improve within a month or so of starting to play. For Shyla, it took much longer but it's been worth it.

I thought that you might enjoy seeing an example of us playing. I am mixing together all sorts of play. Some of it is structured, as you'll see. It works wonders!

Do you play with your dog or cat? Do you have favorite games?


  1. Awwwww - you and your mom are having so much fun together, Shyla! Mom and I play "find" a lot, where she hides the treat and I get to find it. And of course, I insist that she plays tennis ball with me. Life is all about my precious tennis ball!

  2. We love seeing that happy Shyla playtime, such a joy! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. it's great to watch you two.... that's eyecandy on a sad day ,O)

  4. Hari Om
    Angel Jade made sure I played - she was the best therapy!!! YAM xx

  5. Oh happy times!! Sometimes we play hide and seek in the house!

  6. good fun and good exercise for both of you.. we are playing with Big Boy but he is not fond of playing. he is playing more a little each day, I will keep trying. he does love to play by himself each afternoon but only for 4 or 5 minutes

  7. I am clapping and smiling like a Cheshire cat.
    Madi loved playing with wand toys of all kinds. Early on she was quite a jumper and a chaser.
    I loved the video ending with a kinda chest bump with you and Shyla
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You two sure are having fun together. Walter loves to play but Millie not so much.

  9. Rosy is an expert at playing!! We just love the enthusiastic way you and Shyla play together!

  10. Can we come play too? Mom does play with us, but she says it usually works best with one at a time:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. We all love playing together! Maggie is game for any thing, any time.

  12. I play with the girls now and then in the yard or on walks, but most of our play in in our sports and practicing for our sports. I think it helps with bonding and confidence.

  13. It's clear she absolutely adores you. Bravo for being the best mom a shy girl could want.

  14. It is always a joy to see how HAPPY Shyla is with you! That tail is always going, whether you two are training, playing, or doing nose-work.

  15. Aw, what fun you two have! Luke and I do play, tug and tossing toys, but maybe we need to do it in more places where he might be more nervous.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Dear angel Ellie and I played a lot and Lucy played right along with us. She rather lost interest in play after Ellie died but she still loved to run and jump and play tug with my husband.


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