Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 2, 2018

Sunshine Beauty on Friday

One of the most beautiful things in the world is when sunrise paints the sky with brilliant colors. It happens most often at this time of year, and I love it!

Just before sunrise...

As the sun peeked in the narrow slot between the horizon and the clouds...

Shyla, painted red by the sun, on an evening with a gorgeous sunset...
I try to notice the beauty around us every single day. It makes me happy!


  1. Hari Om
    words fail in front of such magnificence... YAM xx

  2. There is nothing more beautiful than the sky in all of its glory! Happy Friday, Shyla!

  3. the sun always makes me happy, not matter what it touches it changes it and your Red Dog is Delightful... and oh so beautiful. she outshines the stunning sunrise

  4. this is beautiful ... and I bet cat stevens saw a sun rise like that as he wrote his morning song...

  5. "Nature is the best artist." Thank you for sharing these images.
    The joy I feel from seeing nature's beauty is tinged with melancholy for me these days. It's November and our apple tree has blossoms on some branches as the others lose their leaves. Strange and scary times for us nature lovers. Hope R is doing well today - and sorry to leave sort of a down comment - I'll feel better soon :)

  6. Oh do I love sunrises in the fall and winter. BUT oh my word Colorado knows how to do it the best.
    Shyla is truly glowing. How is my friend R... give them both extra treats from me...please
    Mia is amazing. She is a petite little thing and can jump with ease. My daughter was getting ready for work she saw what Mia was looking out and luckily grabbed her cell phone once Mia landed. The balance was amazing she got down the same way she went up.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Sooooooo beautiful!
    We love all of you!

  8. This is a favorite time of year for our sunrises too...You have captured their true beauty!
    Shyla looks so very beautiful in the evening sun!

  9. That beauty (and the pups) just have to make you smile.

  10. Aw, so that's where all the sunshine is. :) Beautiful photos!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. You always have the most beautiful sunrises and sets. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Those skies are just amazing!!! And sweet Shyla - always stunning!!! Hope R is continuing to do well.

  13. When I'm upset which is currently 24/7, going out in nature for a run or walk with my girls helps to reduce my stress. I'm up extra early today to go for a nice run before our NW trial because of my stress level with losing Emma. It does help.


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