Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 12, 2018

Our Autumn Flowers - Aspen Leaves!

We've had a dramatic transition over the past week or so. It had been a sunny, warm, and gorgeous autumn. The colors were brilliant.
I love how tall Shyla is standing in this one!
On that last day of sunshine, Shyla took a bow in a favorite spot. These are usually among the last leaves to change color. I'm glad that they shined so beautifully before winter arrived.

Then, the low-lying clouds and fog arrived. The aspen colors popped out of the drab light.

As I pedaled through the clouds, barely being able to see further than 20 yards ahead of me, the aspen leaves popped along a forest road.

As the fog became so thick that I thought that I might get lost close to home, the aspens seemed to glow even more. It was astounding how bright the aspens seemed.

When I looked closely at the aspen leaves, the droplets deposited by the fog shimmered.

The leaves fell rapidly in the fog making our "aspen tunnels" into "yellow brick roads".

Finally, the fog and clouds turned into snow and rime ice.
Up until today, it looked as if this winter weather would be leaving soon - giving us a bit more sunny autumn weather. I had that forecast cemented in my mind... and then the forecast changed while I wasn't paying attention. More snow is now predicted for the weekend. Thank goodness that my fat bike worked great today - it was its first day on duty this winter.

We are joining the LLB Gang for their Flower Friday Blog Hop.


  1. I'm honest, I LOVE foggy mornings... eggs-cept I have to drive... but it is like being separated from all dayily stress for a moment just me in my fog-cocoon ;O)

  2. Wow, those are some amazing pictures! I feel like I'm there!

  3. I am beginning to sound like a broken record...BUT OH MY WORD your pictures are breathtaking,...even fog..you know Mr. Frost wrote that it comes in quietly on little kitty paws.
    Bowing back Shyla
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. You two sweeties look wonderful surrounded by all that beauty!

  5. Such beauty! The colors are incredible!

  6. Love your "yellow brick roads!" Stay warm. The sun is out down the hill, and the blue sky is most welcome after showers this week.

  7. it looks like the bowing Shyla somehow was camouflaged with the background of the aspens, either the trees copier her or she copied them. R look so beautiful on the perfect path.. beautiful ice crystals

  8. R on a yellow carpet, that is the most beautiful photo, one to keep forever. Down here, snow to the north and the far south. Cold, only about 4C early this morning. Cherry tree blossoms almost all blown off now.

  9. The yellow leaves are our least favorite, but we are constantly amazed at the light they put out!

  10. The gold in the first couple of photos is almost blinding! And the ones with the fog are so interesting. And of course, there is beautiful Shyla. We might see some snow FLAKES on Sunday along with the rain. Way early for us.

  11. Beautiful fall shots, KB. I’m glad I got a glimpse of your snow. I hear Breck is getting it too. It’s nice here at the beach!

  12. The yellows are so amazing! They really brighten up the whole landscape. I can't believe you're talking "winter" already though! We're not ready. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. We are so not ready for winter yet. You captured some beautiful photos!
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. OMD, those shots are just amazin'! Ma loves that kind of weather (though her hair doesn't BOL!). I guess our 80 degree weather is keepin' your weather cold. I'm ready for the cold, just not ready for the rain ☺
    Ruby ♥

  15. Wow...just wow!!! Love the colors through the fog! I was amazed at the snow in the mountains during our drive thru Northern Arizona today...

  16. I always enjoy your photos but these were just wonderful, esp. the rime ice on the leaves.

  17. This is a marvelous series of images, KB! I tried to pick a favorite but each is perfect and the sum of the whole is greater than the parts, as the saying goes. Thank you for inviting us all along on your ride!

  18. You have captured so much beauty!


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