Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thankful Thursday - For Nature's Beauty

When our world leaps from warm autumn to freezing winter, it's tough for me to adapt. However, our Labraduo loves it. Shyla spent our ride today zooming in circles around me. The Runner said that R was full of joyful energy too, which is wonderful given what he's going through now.

My body wasn't ready to cope with the huge drop in temperature and the snow pelting out of the sky.

Shyla and I visited that wonderful red-leaved aspen tree that I have been showing you in aerial and closeup photos. It still had some leaves, much to my delight.

I kept thinking as my fingers froze,"Thank goodness it's beautiful". I repeatedly stopped to take photos because the sights were so surprisingly gorgeous and achingly frigid-looking.
I know that I'll adapt and today's temperature will feel warmish to me by a month or two from now. But, for now, I'm cold! And, this weather promises to stick around for the foreseeable future. R and Shyla will love it - that much is certain.


  1. wow it looks like it happened over night... but that is a wonderful mix of colors... chapeau mother nature ;O)

  2. We got some snow here, though it didn't stick at my somewhat lower elevation. On the higher mountains around? Oh yes. And it does happen overnight, Mark. Snow in the Rockies doesn't mess around!

    The one annoying thing about the weather change is that I'm heading off to a much warmer place in a couple of weeks and will have to re-adjust when I get back.

  3. Such pretty photos and even the snow if pretty! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Hari Om
    it's picture postcard - but I'm with you on the chill adjustment! YAMxx

  5. How beautiful! We know that damage can happen so easily to trees that still have their leaves when show falls on them but it's just so gorgeous to see!

  6. I am thankful you share your beauty with us and I TOOOOOO am Cold.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Wow, early snow! We've had days and days of rain in Utah. Beautiful fall/winter photos.

  8. frigid is he perfect word, I know how much you need water and snow, so this is a good thing, but I also understand your discomfort in it. glad the pups love it.

  9. Enjoy! We can't wait for winter to really arrive here. Snow and cold are our favorite time of the year.

  10. Wow! It really is beautiful - but I'm not ready yet! Cam and Mags may well be, though.

  11. It is all so beautiful, and we are thankful we can experience it through your eyes. It is a lot chillier here today, and I am not liking it either, especially with all my early morning, daytime, and late night leash walks with Lightning. Too cold too fast for these old bones.

  12. Millie and Walter would both love to do some snow zoomies with the Labraduo. We've had exceptionally warm weather but are heading to normal conditions starting tomorrow.

  13. I am always amazed by the beauty that surrounds you! I hope to visit your area one day, but I would never want to leave!

  14. We have been feeling cold here too, it always takes a bit to make the transition. We got some snow in the higher elevations
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. OMD, that looks FABulous!!!! It's gonna be in the mid 80's this week, so that looks like a dream! Oh, and it also helps that it never snows here, so we don't have to live in it...BOL! sorry....
    Ruby ♥

  16. As much as we're not ready, it sure is beautiful!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. We have been having crazy extremes...a day when I step outside and smell woodsmoke from a neighbors' stove, followed immediately by low 80s F and gaspingly high humidity. I empathize with your words about not easily adjusting to changes in weather!

  18. There is something very etheral about autumn snow storms. Stay warm today.


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