Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A Moose Day!!!

Yesterday morning, it started to get light as we ate breakfast. A hulking form came into view just beyond our porch. It was a moose who had spent a lot of the night sleeping there. When we looked later at his spot later, we saw that he'd melted the snow below him all the way to the ground.
Because the Runner had the presence of mind to close the dogs into the other end of the house, they didn't bark to scare him away, like they usually do. We got to watch him in a leisurely way.

I took photos through the window to avoid scaring him. As he woke up, he started eating snow to quench his early morning thirst.

I believe that he saw me through the window, which prompted him to get moving fairly soon. He stood up and scratched his back with his antler. That was hilarious!

With the sun rising behind him, he started nibbling on the aspen trees close to the house. Breakfast!

And then he turned to start walking away.
Thanks Mr. Bull Moose. You made our day! 

If you'd like to see a bit more moose action, check out the video below of a moose couple at a spring. It was taken after I thought that mating season was over. Clearly, the bull moose didn't agree with me!


  1. it's tongue out tuesday and he knew it ;O)))

  2. Your snoozer moose sure is a handsome dude!

  3. We would love to wake up and see a moose in our yard! What great pictures and video, KB!

  4. Fantastic - Your Place Is Clearly Putting Off Good Vibes


  5. WOW! That's a much cooler neighbor than Mr. BunBun at my house.

  6. I thought for sure you were going to mention something different! I remember coming upon recently-vacated moose beds in the snow back when I was doing forest inventory plots. Usually they contained fresh moose poop, and the reason I remember it so clearly is probably because I've often thought of it during the countless times I've seen one of my goats wake up, stand up, and....well, you guessed it.

  7. I love seeing the moose around your home.

  8. Hari Om
    Wow - what a special brekky treat!!! YAM xx

  9. Oh my word Breakfast and a show to boot!! What a glorious animal and I might be a tad jealous of his built in back scratch.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. What a wonderful way to start the day! You and moose having breakfast. Did you know the moose is the national animal of Sweden?

  11. What a treat Wildlife that comes to you...

  12. Nothing like a moose to enjoy with your morning coffee:) You have your own version of Animal Kingdom!

    BTW, love my Yak Trax!!!

  13. My Aunt and Uncle (and my cousin and Godchildren) all live in Alaska. They have met many a moose in their daily activities, and have even been chased a time or two! I prefer to see them through your pictures! lol

  14. What a beauty! I love being able to look into his eyes! How much do you think he weighs and how tall is he standing up? Just curious.

  15. That is so cool. You have the most interesting back yard. I hope he didn't relieve himself.

  16. Oh, what a marvelous thing to see! He is very handsome :) Fabulous photos!

  17. That is super cool! I'd love to wake up and see a beautiful moose like that in my yard. So nice he felt relatively safe near your house.

  18. I would love to see a moose in our yard! The previous owners told us they had been seen here, but we haven't seen a sign of any yet. It seems like everything else has been around, so maybe someday!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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