Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 26, 2018

The (literally) Awesome Utah Desert and our Desert Dawg

Our time in the desert was wonderful. I love the boulders and sculptures that Mother Nature has created there. Everything is oversized. The boulder in the foreground of the next photo is the size of a small car and the butte above it is the size of a luxury cruise ship.

Some of the towering cliff walls have "washes" below them with cottonwood trees. Near the start of our trip, those trees still had golden leaves, much to my delight!

The cliff walls were so high that it was impossible to have the cottonwood trees be visible while showing the tops of the cliffs.

Also, at the bases of cliffs, wind had sculpted mushroom-shaped rock formation. This one was as tall as a multi-story house.

During our bike rides together, Shyla posed in the midst of the desert beauty. She and I are so small compared to the grandeur of the desert.

This is a closer up view with the same rocky spires behind Shyla as in the previous photo.

Those spires inspired my imagination as they loomed over our campsite. They were the reason why we lost sunlight around mid-afternoon. The long fingers blocked the sun that early.

This is a different view (in full sunlight) of the same rock formation. It reminds me of a ship.
I was intrigued enough by that formation that I flew my drone up to have a look around. It was a perfect place for flying because there were absolutely no other people nearby, no small airplanes overhead, and the wind was mostly calm.

If you have time, please check out the short video taken from the sky near the spires.


  1. wonderful to watch the signs of times in the stones... they saw so much and they were there so many times before us :O)

  2. Flying up so high gives a hole new
    perspective to the formation of our
    beautiful desert.
    You know we love when you go flying.

    ♥ Linda Astro and Mitzie

  3. awesome is the perfect word and also AMAZING!!! those stones are fantastic. so is the drone view. this video could be used to make one of my favorite old westerns. I saw a special on TV that showed how they take view videos like yours and then shoot the horses and people up close in a stuidio in a city, and add them to the video.... now that is awesome and amazing also.

  4. Wow! The video is just amazing and the colors are just gorgeous!

  5. Without a dog or person standing in those pictures I never would have guessed how big those rocks were. The video was stunning.

  6. What a beautifully gorgeous and calming landscape.

  7. You live in a most awe inspiring state. We the red rocks are breathtaking...then add your beautiful pups
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. The first photo looks like a huge lizard basking in the sun to us.

  9. Such a beautiful place and ya gotta love that desert dawg!

  10. The video was fantastic!!! And oh what amazing things to see there in the desert. Shyla adds even more beauty to the scene.

  11. An Amazingly Powerful And Meaningful Black Dog Sunday Posting - Well Done - Utah, Its A True Adult Playground - Safe Travels


  12. My sisters have told me about all the rocks in Utah. Maybe one day I will get to travel there and see them for myself. Amazing natural wonders.

  13. amazing rock formations!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. So beautiful! The ridges almost looks like a row of teeth! Thanks for sharing!!

  15. I love the cottonwood trees! What an amazing place.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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