Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

It is Thanksgiving in our country today, a day upon which we think about our gratitude.

I am thankful for my family. Little Miss Shyla has taught me so much as she's very gradually become more outgoing.

Our Black Dog is teaching me about how to keep on living life to the fullest no matter what. He's healing beautifully, and his spirit is unaffected by losing an eye.

He still runs like the wind, without worrying about what's in front of him.

Our Labraduo makes me smile when they snooze side-by-side in a sun puddle.

I am thankful for all of you, too. I am approaching the end of my tenth year of writing this blog. One of the best parts of it has been the wonderful people who I've "met" through it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.


  1. Happy happy Thanksgiving to you and the Labraduo... and thanks for showing me a wonderful part of our world in your posts...

  2. that last photos is priceless and I noticed the way Shyla has one eye open and one shut, their faces look the same. R's eye looks really good and healed. so glad it has not effected his fun running. Happy Thanksgiving. I to have been 10 years on blogging.

  3. We just adore you, Shyla and R and we LOVE your blog♥ Happy Thanksgiving to the 4 of you!

  4. We love visiting your blog.
    You always show and photograph
    nature and the animals who live
    in your area as if we are there.
    R and Shyla, oh gosh if only
    my 2 were as well behaved lol.
    Happy Thanksgiving and Happy 19 Years of blogging.
    Kiss the Duo from us.
    ♥ Linda Astro & Mitzie

  5. Hari Om
    Sending extra special hugs and wags to your whole furmily this Thanksgiving Day!!! YAM xx

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you 4 too. Shyla and R have taught me so much from across the miles so I can only imagine how much your life is enriched by living with them.
    R has healed beautifully Hugs to you all

  7. We are so thankful for you and your sweet Duo and that you share them with us. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the pack.

  9. I am almost in tears as I read your words. R is looking wonderful, and with Shyla by his side, will continue to love life to the fullest. Down here, we are also so very thankful, a loving new family in our previous home, a new home that will fit us all in so well, a temporary home, and friends worldwide. XXX to you all up in Co.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the pups. R looks like he's recovered very well and is no doubt adapting well to the loss of the eye. Probably feels better without the pressure. Here's to a day filled with beauty and blessings.

  11. And thank you for letting us be a part of your life. R looks good and Shyla, well she always warms my heart.

    Happy Thanksgiving. :)

  12. Ten years+! WOW! So much to be thankful for. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

  13. We are so very thankful for sharing your beautiful duo and your part of the world with us!!

  14. Ten years! That is incredible. We are so thankful that we found you along the way. ♥ Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof pets

  15. I am sure the duo are very thankful they have the two of you for parents.

  16. And we are very thankful for you too. We cherish your friendship. You have helped us learn so much about dogs and dog training, and so much about the beautiful world around you. We thank you for all of that and more.

    Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to you!!!

    Gobble Gobble Gobble Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and of course Mom

  17. Happy Thanksgiving my friend! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We understand how your pups make you feel because I think my mom is the same way with us. Madison

  20. We always love visiting your blog. That last picture of the two pups is so precious especially the way they are both laying with their pink octopus near by.

  21. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving... Your dogs are so special and so much to be thankful for. Love the photo of your boy running like the wind and the two snuggling... Here's to a wonderful weekend. -Katie and the Katz

  22. We are so thankful that R is doing so well and love seeing the duo together.
    Thankful for your friendship
    Hazel & Mabel

  23. I am so glad R is adjusting so well and that it hasn't slowed him down at all! Also, LOVE the photo of the two of them together - really made me smile!

  24. Were thankful for you KB,, that you have shared so much with us, You have allowed us to walk beside all of you,,, no matter what. Just looking at R and joy and zest for life,,makes me so happy.. Just look at him fly and soar! And Shyla,, your daughter of the mountains,,, teaches us so much too,,, just as you do KB
    So thankful for you


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