Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Almost Wordless Wednesday

One of the things that I love about photography in the desert is the lack of background "clutter". It is easy to find places where there is only the sky or a canyon wall behind the Duo, which I like a lot.

P.S. - Our internet server is broken, at least until Friday, so my posts and visits will likely be minimal until it is fixed. Sorry! It is very frustrating...


  1. Hari Om
    I am one who is all for leaving tech behind and getting respite - but when it is not of my own choosing the patience wears thin! It is interesting how attached we are to the ether!!! Love the silhouettes. YAM xx

  2. good to know... we come over for a photo session ;O)))

  3. OH NOOOO not internet problems. that makes me crazy. I love both of these and can't pick a favorite

  4. Stunning silhouettes! Internet problems are the worst!

  5. Oh I know that all too well. I have limited data until med December, so my blogposts and comments are few.However, I look, and love these photos.

  6. Oh Poooooh on the server woes!! Computers etc are wonderful until they ARE NOT!!
    Hugs all around

  7. Beautiful photos - look at R run with Shyla! After what he's been through, it makes my heart sing.

    Just in case you're able to check in tomorrow: have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Chris from Boise

  8. Love theses shots! So wonderful seeing the Duo run together. Great capture!

  9. Almost looks like one of those Film backdrops.

  10. Those definitely do make for some great backdrops! Oh no, no internet, that's frustrating for sure! Hope it comes back when it's supposed to.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Those are fabulous photos! Good luck getting your new server served up.

  12. Great silhouettes! Sorry about the internet situation. Hope it gets sorted quickly :)

  13. Ack, internet problems are a headache.
    At least you know what is causing it.
    I like the idea of a clear background for
    taking photos too!
    We hope you have a great Thanksgiving
    Day with friends & family.
    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  14. Happy dogs running in the desert, it doesn't get much better than that.

  15. Wonderful photos!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Just love both of those photos. Super cool! Bummer with the internet. I know if we have internet trouble, my mom is not in a good mood.

  18. Magical photos KB..... thank you for remembering all of us.


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