Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Wildlife reactions to scent of a mountain lion

Mountain lions have regularly scent marked spot under some pine trees for years. They kick back with each hind paw, creating furrows in the pine needles. They kick up dirt and pine needles that pile up at the back of the furrows. That mound is what catches my eye and tells me that a mountain lion has visited.

Here is a mountain lion marking the spot, kicking back with his left hind paw...

... and then with his right hind paw.
 He repeated this sequence ten times!!! He may have urinated in the furrows.

Many mountain lions have marked this spot over the years. It must have an overwhelming scent to wildlife and domestic dogs, all of whom check this spot and often mark it themselves.

A few recent visitors to the spot caught my eye. First, a bull elk sniffed it extensively during the rut. He must have recently attacked a pine tree as crazed bulls tend to do and was wearing one of its boughs over his neck.

Next, a feisty bobcat came along... He sniffed the scrape and then had the courage to leave his own mark over top of it. He is so much smaller than a mountain lion, making this act of defiance hard to believe!

Next up, a small group of coyotes visited. One sniffed the lion scrape.

He immediately started leaving his own scent mark. He's the one in the background of the next photo.

When the coyote trio was assembled, they appeared to look around to see if the lion was nearby.
Not everyone agrees with me but I think that coyotes are gorgeous creatures.

I compiled the footage into video of these visitors which I hope that you enjoy.


  1. we are like that mountain lions too when we mark something ;O)

  2. OMword that spot must be the purrfect portapotty.
    I love your wildlife cams
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. I am with you on the coyotes being beautiful. the one that was running behind us a couple of weeks ago, was so scared and very skinny, broke my heart. these look healthy and well fed. the elk looks like he is decorated for a Christmas card... there is nothing wild that is ugly to me. the coyotes look like dogs to me

  4. Hari Om
    I do agree with you - all wild critters are gorgeous - but wouldn't necessarily want to tangle with any of them! Watching them clandestinely suits me fine. YAM xx

  5. Your posts and videos have taught us a lot about watching for wildlife sign. We see lots of scat on our hikes, are still keeping our eyes peeled for a bear scratching tree. We'll have to watch for lion scrapes as well. Thanks for reminding us again that wild creatures are all around, if we stay aware.

    Chris from Boise

  6. I"m sure that I would be marking that spot too if given the chance!

  7. We are always loving your videos that you post of all these gorgeous animals. They are so great to see so up close and see them marking their territories. Thanks for sharing this lovely post. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  8. The Coyotes, beautiful, and a brave bobcat, so good to be online again and catch up with all your friends out there in the forests. Super trailcam photos, as always.

  9. These are National Geographic pictures, so interesting. The bull elk made me miss the fall I spent in Jackson Hole, they would truly go nuts. And I agree about coyotes. A pair comes by here frequently, she is gray and small, he is the most beautiful red I have ever seen and with a gorgeous thick tail.

  10. I wonder what the mountain lions think when they come back and sniff the other creatures who have tried to top their marks!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Brilliant!! Well Done!! Thanx For Sharing!!


  12. A very popular spot indeed!!! We have two coyotes who seem to like the area around our development, one is quite a bit larger than the other. The smaller one has twice visited our front lawn during the day and planted himself right on the driveway!!! He is way too comfy with humans - he waited for us (me and the two younger pups) to be only a house away coming back from our walk. before he took off.

  13. I loves the bobcat! Ma says it's something I would do BOL! I loves the coyotes thick tails! OUrs aren't that thick, more wispy. Thanks for the video!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Loved the whole combination on the video but the coyotes were my very favorite.

  15. Coyotes are good looking, but we don't like that they are in our neighborhood. It is scary if you have dogs outside, or when you run into a few coyotes on an early morning walk. We wish them not harm, but Mom worries about them harming us. Luckily, they tend to fear humans still.

  16. This marking behavior makes me think of graffiti from humans - not so very different I think. Though I wonder what the motivation is for the bobcat and the coyotes to make the same spot. Does it just mean "hey, I am around here too!"? Thanks so much for posting these wonderful pictures!

  17. The wild is where the notion of a pissing contest began.

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