Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Saturday Sunset

We recently had a spectacular sunset. When I looked toward the west, I saw this.

And when I looked toward the east, my jaw dropped even further.

And Shyla made an incredible silhouette!
Beauty is all around us!


  1. I like the lone tree in the middle of the second photo.. so beautiful

  2. Wow. What settings did you have for the first photo? We are getting sunrise skies like that but I am struggling to get a really good image. How nature can give us such glory, and Shyla adds to the beauty.

  3. Breathtaking hardly seems adequate enough but it does take one's breath.
    Shyla stay by the phone I'm sure Vogue will be calling you soon. What a model you are and how you work the camera!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. A stunning photo! Beauty really is all around us - People need to just put their phones down and enjoy it!

  5. SO AWESOME! I can't imagine what it must look like being able to see the whole sky with such amazing show going on right in front of you! You are so blessed. :)

  6. I miss the sunsets we used to see at our old house. Luckily that's about the only thing I miss about it! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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