Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 9, 2018

See Beautiful on Friday

With the flowers long gone, I look to the sky and the mountains for color and beauty. Sunrise rarely disappoints me. Do you see the reflection in the little pond? I love it!

After sunrise, I get to head out for a mountain bike ride with Shyla. There is nothing that love more than playing with her atop Hug Hill with the snowy mountains in the background.
When I stop and notice it, our world is breathtakingly beautiful!


  1. it is and with our pups it is eggs-tra beautiful

  2. that last photo is the definition of breathtaking.. love it

  3. You and Shyla have the most extraordinary playground, KB, and it's so so so beautiful!

  4. Such joy in that second photo! Thanks for sharing it - made me smile!

  5. I did see the reflection in the lake and oh the love and fun in Shyla's eyes...
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. We think you can see beautiful every day in your part of the world. The sunrise is glorious!!! And Shyla looks more than ready to enjoy some play time with you. Have a good weekend.

  7. Such a beautiful place. You and Shyla have the best place to relief some stress and to relax. That gorgeous sunrise we would love to see every morning. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  8. the sunrises have been pretty colorful lately. Yours is exquisite!

  9. It's easy to take it for granted sometimes, but you don't ever seem to do that. Beautiful!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. We always love your sky pictures. They are so beautiful. Of course Shyla against those snowy mountains is beautiful too.

  11. The snow mountains look like a big citten blanket. So pretty.

  12. You live in the most beautiful place
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. Thank you for the reminder to stop and pay attention. You make every day seem special - and it is!

    Chris from Boise

  14. There is so much beauty in the world, sometimes its easy to take it for granted...thank you for always reminding us how lovely nature is!


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