Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thankful Thursday - Even More Playful Shyla

I am so thankful that Shyla and I have learned to play!

I thought that I'd share a bit more of what we like to do in terms of play . Here's another example of us playing last summer.

Does your dog or cat play naturally? Shyla didn't. I had to teach her to play. At first, she just stared at me as I was crazy when I tried to get her to play. I learned how to "invite" her to play better, and then she gradually learned to let go and have fun.

We are still having fun! Her favorite game now is doubtless chasing me. I have to toss a cookie to distract her so that I get a head start. Then, I find an obstacle to hide behind. I have as much fun as she does!


  1. that is wonderful to see you playing... the overlook twins play a lot together now, but Nelly had to learn it too... Phenny is a good teacher ;O)

  2. Hari Om
    I miss Jade because of the play... YAM xx

  3. I love this and watched it twice! The connection and the carefree fun is so obvious it's a "feel good moment" at the start of my day! Thanks for that!!!

  4. BB doesn play, maybe 5 minutes a day he plays ball in the house, outside he does nothing at all. no matter what I do. I can't run and hide, but he would not look if I could. he is the laziest dog ever

  5. That sure is some super fun play time! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. That was fun to watch Shyla
    run after the rope and bring it back.
    Mitzie and Astro bring it back but
    won't let go. So we play tug o war.

  7. Shyla is full of joy and all because of your devotion.
    There are two of the most adorable mini Dachshund's who walk past our house every day.
    Having been owned by Toto the mighty mine Dachshund for 10.5 years, I have a huge affection for them.
    Once I stopped to talk to their owner. She told me both were from a puppy mill. They had never been allowed to be dogs. Never been outside and were afraid of everything and everyone had no idea about walking on leashes etc. TLC and patience took hold and they quickly became Great Danes in Dachshund bodies and were excellent at playing.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We love watching you and your mom playing and having fun, Shyla!

  9. How fun to see Shyla so confident and happy playing with you. Even coming back for more after pushaways! Your relationship has developed so beautifully!

    Chris from Boise

  10. Misty and Timber play a LOT. Lightning has to be in the mood. Sort of like me:) It is clear that both you and Shyla enjoy playing together.

  11. You and Shyla are having so much fun together. We just love the video so much. Everybody in the office here loves it. Thanks for sharing the wonderful Thankful Thursday post. Have a great day. We bet somebody was tired after all that playing.
    World of Animals

  12. Such love together,Shyla has the best family ever.

  13. That looks like such fun! Mabel loves to play
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. That is so cool gurl!!! I loves to play! I most loves to wrastle Ma! Butts what I do most is I drop my balls at Ma's feet so she can kick them, and I can chase after them...repeat! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  15. Shyla is one great player and she has taught us all how to have fun

  16. I've always played with my dogs. Mine are not tennis ball or toy dogs, so we play chase, wrestle, hide and seek, stuff like that.

  17. Awww, that's so sweet. Love seeing her bounce around joyfully playing.

  18. Luke does love to play, but it's usually only when he's in the mood. I usually can't entice him to play unless he's in the mood.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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