Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 3, 2018

A First Look Back at 2018

'Tis the season when I go through the year in photos to make my 2019 calendar. I thought that I'd share a few of my favorites from the first half of 2018.

I took both halves of our Duo fat biking with me one morning. I stopped to call them to me. Shyla was ahead but then R turned on his turbo burners to literally fly in front of her. I love this one because it captures R's personality so well.

He did a similar move in the same spot a couple of months later with no snow on the ground. R does nothing halfway. He throws his whole heart and soul into everything. And, as you can see from the look on Shyla's face, his intensity almost scares her.

This photo was about a month later during our very early spring trip to the desert. I think that R looks so handsome and almost regal in the desert setting. The behind-the-scenes story is that he took off to stir up some mayhem in our campsite just after I clicked the shutter.

At around the summer solstice, we were out for a late evening hike, and I wanted to get a photo of the Labraduo in the setting sunlight. Just as I was ready to click the shutter, R shook - and you can see what happened. Shyla did not look amused!

As I've been going through the photos, I am drawn to the ones that have R's eyes in them before glaucoma attacked them. This one was in a campsite surrounded by high wildflowers where we spent a week in early July. Purple lupines are in the background, and R's eyes glow so true.

And, Shyla's eyes glow true in this one.
Like every year, 2018 had its ups and downs. R's glaucoma was a sad part but he is, yet again, teaching us that his spirit can soar no matter what. It is likely that he'll completely lose his vision in the future but he has shown us that he won't lose his love of life.

I am continuing my journey through my photo library, and I'll almost surely have more to share in the near future.


  1. Those were sure wonderful and we are looking forward to more!

  2. your photos are heartwarming... and they can make even such a rainy sh*t day with a flooded house to a sunday... and we smiled as we saw the labraduo ;o)

  3. What a tough project for you, KB, as ALL of your photos are frame worthy!

  4. Uncle R causing mayhem in the camp?! BOL!!! That's why he's my hero.

  5. Hari Om
    I just got my calendars back from printing. It's amazing to think of the places visited in just this year alone! These two are way more photogenic than anything I have though! YAM xx

  6. Keep the moments coming, they make me happy just to look at them.... chaos? ha ha. can't imagine that. slobber in the eye, so cute and so funny...

  7. Love these shots - especially the first one!

  8. These Moments In Time Are Absolutely Magical - Well Done


  9. They are both so precious. I linked this post to Awww Mondays. Couldn't help myself.

    We just love them no matter what issues arise. It's what we do. You have two precious ones.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday. My best to your mom. ♥

  10. Those are some great shots but that slobber one had me chuckling.

  11. R surely stands for rejoice. Every photo of him is full of it.
    Shyla your furs and eyes are coveted by me.
    Love the flying slobber
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. this is such a wonderful uplifting post for us all. we learn so much from them!
    I wish they could treat dogs' glaucoma with eye drops just like they do humans.
    I know the drops are saving the sight of a friend of mine who has had it for years.
    just a drop in each eye each day.
    that would be so wonderful and a huge relief for you if vets could do it too.
    I guess they can't or surely they would tell us!

  13. Good you will share more, because one can never get enough of these two.

  14. Shyla just looks like her brother annoys her sometimes, like many siblings do!! Those were some fun and beautiful photos....looking forward to seeing more.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. You have enough amazing photos to pick one for every day of the year!!!

  16. R is one of those competitors everyone dreads in a race. Just when you think you have it in the bag, they fly by! Great photos.

  17. We live well through our memories. P.S. Absolutely LOVE the flinging drool image.

  18. R's spirit will always soar,, no matter what!

  19. love them all and R is showing his wonderful spirit and your love. we move in tomorrow and I will be so glad to be with the laptop and 300GB data each month!!!


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