Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

Our desert trip was timed wonderfully to give the whole family time to recover from R's diagnosis and then surgery. He was zooming by the end.

He and his sister would race toward me when given the chance. By the end of our time there, R was neck and neck with his sister.

And, the hilarious Labraduo was back to spontaneous singing. They surprised me the first time so I wasn't far enough away to fit Shyla's nose in the photo.

I was ready the second time! They look so soulful!

And then they could also look completely silly.

Since we've been home, R has continued to heal. His fur is growing back which makes a big difference. Many people who meet him don't even notice that he is missing an eye. I do notice but it's become an endearing feature of our sweet Black Dog.

Also, it's become completely wintry so the Duo spends lots of time snuggling in sun puddles!
Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. We can only imagine that you're singing Christmas carols to ring in the season!

  2. I can't say in words how much joy fills my heart when I see them singing together. just sooooo very precious... and funny to..

  3. They both look so happy together. And yes, that missing eye is a symbol of the resilience and courage R embodies. Happy Sunday!

  4. R & Shyla are so sweet together and the singing
    is cute. Happy Crazy Love them both.

    ♥ Linda Astro and Mitzie

  5. Singing Duo, Nothing Better!! Well Done & Extra Treats


  6. my happy heart to yours! this makes what's wrong with the world BETTER!
    love and hugs to each of you! xoxo

  7. The chorus really makes me smile :)

  8. It's so wonderful seeing R having so much fun with his sister!

  9. The Duo singing, a true celebration, no question! I'm so glad he's doing well and feeling even better!

  10. Excellent singing shot. We could almost hear them.

  11. It is good to see everyone so happy and content. :)

  12. Oh my stars I'm imagining your duo is singing Joy to the World!!
    Love the photos hugs Cecilia

  13. We are so thrilled that R healed so quickly, and that your duo looks so happy together! ♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. So glad to see R has healed so quickly :) He and Shyla look so happy singing together :D Milo,Jet & Arli

  15. They are so beautiful together!
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. Oh guys, you looks so adorables in your sunpuddle!!! And Ma started lol at you two 'singing the song of your people'!
    Ruby ♥

  17. OMD, I love them practicing their Christmas caroling!

  18. Those pictures sure make us smile. We especially love the singing pictures.

  19. What WONDERFUL photos! The ones of the LabraDuo singing are awesome!!! They both look so joyful!

  20. Sing,, sing more,, sing louder,, sing so we can hear you!


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