Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Black Dog Sunday: Happy Siblings

Yesterday, our puppy slept on a BIG dog bed all by himself. He looked lonely.

Today, our Black Dog decided that the little guy was okay.

The previously skeptical Black Dog relaxed enough to snooze!

Then, our Brown Dog joined the family snooze.
A day to remember!!!

The puppy spirit seemed to take over the pack. The two older siblings played together.

They got pretty wild!

I think that Hachi is making our whole pack more puppy-like. Thanks little guy.
It is a truly happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. I read every word outloud and showed the progression of the story photos to bob each time. I am on laptop in my rocker and he is on sofa. I see you even have DECOR of a dog photo over the BIG BED... I think we could get 2 or 3 Big Boys on that bed. I LOVED THIS STORY....a LOT

  2. That togetherness photo is so very sweet and special!

  3. So glad they have all adjusted. The three in the bed is sooooo sweet.

  4. That picture of the three of them sleeping together is so precious. It looks like the big dogs are protecting little Hachi.

  5. Aw, I showed hubby your new pup because I was telling him how cute it is and he agreed. More than cute. What great shots of your babies.

    Have a woof woof Sunday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  6. Left to their own devices, smart dogs will work it out. Nice to see the official welcome to the pack.

  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hachi that is a big bed!!!
    I'd say I was speechless but you know better. I always find something to say. But OMDs that photo of the 2 elders surrounding the youngster with love...is just so heartwarming. WTG...
    R and Shyla I love seeing you play who has the whitest teeth.
    Well done getting the family ties tight.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. That's so dang cute! Glad everyone is getting along.

  9. OH, that is just so wonderful!!!! We have that same Sneaky Snake here too:) And yes, they can all get pretty wild about it. Just love seeing the Terrific Trio together!!!

  10. The three of you in bed together is just too precious♥

  11. We think that big bed is just the thing to record Hachi's growth. Won't be long before he fits.

  12. Too much happiness for words... :)

  13. there are tears in my eyes here. happy tears.
    the pictures I've been hoping for. waiting for!
    pictures that show you're now REALLY a FAMILY. trust and love. love enough for everyone.
    how one little puppy came in all alone and quietly conquered hearts.
    sending hugs this winter day to each of you. bless you! xoxoxo

  14. Hari om
    Can a year havs better ending??? YAM xx

  15. I always remember that when we brought Luke home 5 years ago (he was also a Christmas puppy just because it worked out that way!), that I hoped he would re-energize his older sisters, and that's exactly what happened too! Good job, Hachi! The three of them on the bed together is priceless. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. OMD Hachi looks so extra small on the big bed.
    He's little feet with white fur will be big
    before summer. But I love the white streak
    between his eyes Mitzie and Astro have it too!
    Happy New Puppy and New Year.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  17. All of them in the bed together is such an awesome sight! I could kiss each one of them. lol

  18. Everyone is sooooo happy together!


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