Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christmas Bears outside our Windows

On Hachi's very first night with us, we had a surprising visitor - a bear! He was a smallish guy. The white pole that his paws were on was a bird feeder holder. It's a metal pipe sunk in concrete. It's about 10' tall, and it has horizontal branches sticking out from its top, each of which holds a feeder.
This feeding station has held up to many bears, including the huge Tiny, over about 15 years.

The 12/23 visitor was looking reasonably fat and healthy. He spent a long time trying to get to the feeders that were way over his head,

I love seeing bipedal bears!!!

The next night, a different bear visited. He was a male with ear tags. Those tags mean that he's been in serious trouble (usually involving trying to get to food near human homes). If he's caught again he'll be killed. He didn't try too hard to reach the feeders but he did give my cam quite a state!
I suspect that the bear with ear tags was relocated into our area back in early December. I don't know why he's still awake, except perhaps that his whole routine was turned upside down when he was moved.

A factor for both bears might be that they are finding accessible human food. That can make a bear choose to stay awake rather than retire to a den.

Here's the video of both bears' visit to our yard.


  1. How cool to have the bear right outside your window. I hope he goes to sleep soon and stays out of trouble.

  2. Did you try to run off the eartagged bear to discourage a return visit? It's worrying to think he's heading for trouble (again). Or maybe you didn't see him except on the camera, later? Mind you, I'm not suggesting you "should" try to run off a bear! I have to when they are at my place, because of the animals.

    1. I would run him off if I saw him for his own sake. Hanging around homes is a death sentence because someone will report a bear. I didn't see either of these ones (I was sleeping) so I didn't get the chance...

  3. Hari OM
    Golly, urban impact is everywhere... I too hope he gets dozy soon... YAM xx

  4. I sure hope he catches the long snoozy soon.

  5. I hope the bears are careful and head to their dens soon!

  6. I am wondering if they did not get enough food to get fat enough to hibernate. i feel bad for the one with the tag. there is a good chance he will be in trouble since he is still UP and trying to find food provided by people. sad

  7. Oh to find a bear on ones property would be exciting. I'd be scared to go outside though.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. See Hachi your arrival was so exciting even the bears came out of their dens to do a how do you do dance for you
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. 1 Celsius, too cold to be out there. They balance so well on their hind feet, maybe trying to reach the food or shake some onto the ground. Too close to home maybe, is food scarce further out?

  10. A pole dancing male bear?! Now that's really something!
    Stay warm this weekend.

  11. That bear was very determined!

  12. Though wonderful to see the bears, hopefully, they'll get into the natural rhythm soon and go to sleep.

  13. That second one was funny, it was almost like he was too lazy to put too much effort into it! Hopefully that mean's he's almost ready for his winter snooze!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. I can't imagine bears still awake. It's been so cold here! (Minus 3 this AM) I see you still have grasses poking out of the snow. We have so much early snow in the mountains - a lot different from last year! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  15. Those are some very determined, if somewhat tired, bears


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