Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

I have a tough time with the short days at this time of year. I have a couple of tricks to keep myself happy. First, I use a lightbox every morning, and it helps my mood (and my Circadian Rhythm) immensely. Second, I try to be out at sunrise to take photos during the morning golden hour.

This week, Shyla and I had a visiting star on our morning rides - our Black Dog!
That photo gives a good look at how expressive R's face is even though he's lost one eye. It turns out that he still changes his expression using the muscles around his missing eye. For example, he can still furrow his brows, both of them, when he's feeling worried.

Our Black Dog seemed to be very happy to be out running around with his sister. I can see that he's a bit more cautious now with only one eye but that makes sense.

He still can match his sister step-for-step when he wants to.

These two are a special Duo - they make me smile so much. They are so completely at ease with each other. You can see how Shyla's paw is barely touching R's paw. I find that they seem to always be in contact with each other if they're close together. It's wonderful.
Happy Black Dog Sunday from an almost completely healed Black Dog!


  1. I love the touching each other part. and I can't beleinve how well he is doing and that it is not noticalbe at all if I did not know to look

  2. Hari Om
    The pawfect pair, I say! YAM xx

  3. KB your pictures of all the breathtaking beauty and the Labraduo light up my world.
    Oh my word we awoke to a Winter Wonderland today. Went to bed with a prediction of may 1-2" we have at least 5 1/2" of snow (photo from backporch on my blog). Now we have sleet and snow mix.
    Very very very unusual for NC in December.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. R is looking great. It's obvious what a special bond those two have.

  5. It is so wonderful to see the two of them romping together and that last photo just melts our hearts♥

  6. Wee an Da Momster ( Trude on da facey books )is so pleesed to see dat R is doin so wells, hims has lost none of his handsomeness, hims has a certain rakishness now too. Wee loves da bond the duo has togevva.
    Wivs lovs
    Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Bean & Hiro Pest

  7. These Photos Brought Tears To My Eyes - Absolutely Brilliant


  8. beautiful is a word I overuse. but beautiful they are. in every way.
    and the girl who photographs them and greets the day with them
    and is protected by them and who protects them in return... well.
    beautiful is also the word. thank you for sharing your world with us!

  9. R is looking so good and so happy, and seeing how close he and Shyla are is heartwarming. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. They are so wonderful together - a great synergistic team!

  11. It's so nice to see that happy duo romp!

  12. I know what you mean about the light, and how the lack of it can (does) throw off your circadian rhythm. When we lived in Alaska, the lack of light really affected me. I went to work in the dark, came home in the dark. So, I made myself go out, especially if the sun was out on the coldest days. It made a difference in my mood - I do miss the days when I could cross country ski right out my back door.

    But I love the connection that the duo celebrate together. You are all one another's "bestie!" :-)

  13. I'm so jealous of your sunrises and sets! We go for weeks and weeks without sun and it is hard to maintain any sense of happiness in such gloom. As if the winter isn't difficult enough. :)

    Love your duo. Always have.

    Thanks for your comment about Chance and the urine crystals. We were offered the food or the pills. We knew nothing about the pills and if Chance would eat them. So we opted for the special food. And since we've changed food his pH is still too high so the vet thinks it's the food which we give him.

  14. R the Handsome Black Dog looks fabulous!!! And we love the dynamic between R and Shyla!!!

  15. I nearly always see the sunrise from the porch, but I'm struggling to get really active in the early daylight hours. It's a struggle because I am usually up by 3am with a blinding headache or joint/muscle pain, and after getting up to move around and/or force myself to have something to eat so I can take excedrin, I either manage to get back to sleep around 5am, or not at all. So I don't have a lot of "get up and go" when the sun comes up. Trying, though!

  16. You did a great job making them loving siblings. I knew nothing would keep R down.

  17. We love the ".duo" and love to see how happy they both are! So much zest for life,!
    I understand about the darkness KB,,, it affects me too.. I can hardly stand it!


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