Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 10, 2018

The wavy rock hills of the desert

In the desert, we spent a whole week at K's Rock. What a treat it was to have such a leisurely time there to explore and soak up the beauty.

It is such a quiet place, with no noise except the wind. The combination of the reddish rock and the blue sky is gorgeous.

All of the rock in that area appears to be striped, as layers of different kinds of rock make up the landscape.

As we explore there, the hills and cliffs of rock dwarf all else.

I can't stop myself from taking a million photos of the stunning beauty.

It's hard to get a feel for the scale of this rocky wonderland. To try to do that, I took photos and video from the sky. This is another place that is great for flying a drone because there is absolutely no one around who it might bother. My goal is to never bother people or wildlife with it unlike the reckless pilots who have given drones a bad name.

The views that this flying camera give me put each little bump in the landscape into perspective.

I get an even better perspective with video taken from the air. Here is a short video taken from up high.


  1. oh how I wish we had such a place too... but even the forest is crowded here... :o(

  2. Ah you know we love flying with you!
    I never realized just how large K's rock is.

    ♥ Linda Astro and Mitzie

  3. What a beautiful and magical country we live in...Thank you for this post
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. America the Beautiful is one of my favorite songs.

  4. Spectacular! I need a drone...
    Box Canyon Mark

  5. We love seeing that beautiful landscape from above. Seeing the road in view also helps to get a perspective on how big everything is.

  6. So incredibly beautiful! It must be totally spectacular to see in person.

  7. This whole post is one huge Aw.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  8. bob has a new drone/camera but no where to fly like this. he is still mastering it at the park, but has to be careful where it flies. we live in a no fly zone if any one prominent comes to Tampa... we get warnings when he can't fly....

  9. We love that you have that drone and that you are so very skilled in using it. The video was incredible!!!

  10. That is so amazing and the drone footage topped it off nicely!

  11. My mom knows quite well how much rock is out there having driven through the state several times.

  12. The peace and quiet, with just the sound of the wind, sounds heavenly!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. oh my that video is unreal!!!!! Love the music accompanying it as well!

  14. oh wow! thank you KB for sharing the beauty!


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