Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Bull Moose Everywhere

It is downright astounding how fast moose have taken over our neck of the woods. I see them a couple of times every week when I'm out on my bike.

When they first appeared in our area, we saw primarily cow moose. Over the past year, bull moose have moved in, and they are the primary ones who I see now. Some have big racks!

I now have some confidence that I can read a moose's mood. I met this guy on a bike ride with Shyla. Shyla was behind me saying "Let's turn around RIGHT NOW". She was right. This guy's posture says not to mess with him. He was staring at me without the slightest bit of softness to his expression or posture. We turned around and rode a different way.
Shyla is an amazing "moose alert dog". She can smell them long before I can see them. She stops in the trail and refuses to move forward. I've learned to listen to her advice.

In contrast to the confrontational moose, this guy was spying on me while I checked a trail cam. He stayed partly hidden by the tree and occasionally nibbled on the branches. I only noticed him because he snapped a branch that I heard. I calmly checked my cam and then departed. He wasn't looking for a confrontation.

I have a trail cam by a pond where moose visit frequently. A mellow pair of bull moose dudes showed up in late October.

They hung out companionably at the pond. Their body language made me think that they really enjoyed each others' company.

They eventually departed but not before one moose made a funny face for the camera.

Then, a little later in the autumn, the pond iced over. A young deer, likely a yearling, arrived. He probably had never seen ice before in his short life. He went out on the ice, broke through, and then panicked. He was strong and fast enough to get out but it was a furious few seconds of effort.

That's included in a short video of the moose dudes and the flailing deer for you today.


  1. it seems as he would laugh at us in the last photo... cute guy...love them ;O)

  2. Oh, my goodness, what awesome footage! It does make me so sad to think about animals falling through ice :(

  3. so glad the deer was safe. these moose are beautiful to me, including the one that stared you down. he really did say get out of my world... I love their racks..

  4. So many bulls! Have to wonder where this whole experiment in introducing a species will lead. Great pictures, and I'm VERY glad you have Shyla for an alert system and action guide.

  5. Those are some mighty handsome bull dudes!

  6. Their huge racks, and that look said it all!!! Very companionable pair, and a lucky young one to get out. Amazing footage with your trail cams, I so enjoy every photo and video.

  7. Beautiful animals. On that deer. I'm so glad it got out. That scared me.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. What magnificent animals. Those are some fine purrsonal weed and debris racks they are sporting too.
    Shyla your nose is to be admired!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. The bull moose are amazing, but we love the spying moose. How funny!

  10. Amazing that you had the guts to take a picture of that moose before turning around. I have never seen one look that challenging at a human. Good you have Shyla to warn when moose are around.

  11. I suppose mellow is the mood at this time of year...no real competition for the ladies. But we're glad that you have a Moose Dog to protect you from those that can't mellow.

  12. I'm sure glad that deer got out OK! It is so cool that Shyla alerts you about the moose. I can only imagine what Luke would do if he ever smelled one - he is over the top just about the deer in our yard! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. I think you need a moose whisperer to keep you safe. Shyla never fails to amaze.

  14. The moose are so entertaining to watch. Thank goodness, the deer was able to escape to safety!

  15. Yep. I'm with Shyla, let's turn around right now! Great photographs of these giants.

  16. That big guy would make me turn the other way very quickly!!! Poor deer - guess he won't do that again. Loved the video.

  17. Oooooooh! Those are some cool dudes! I was running a commentary in my head of what they were chatting abouts as they ate and drank ☺
    So glads that deer is okay! That's how I act when I gets my feets wet too! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  18. We would love to see all the wildlife that you do!
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. These guys are so majestic and so unpredictable. Always good advice to give them a wide berth.

  20. Total amazing what you get to see!


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