Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 17, 2018

Golden Shyla

It is truly the best season for sunrise light. As the sun peeks over the eastern hills, it casts a deep red hue on the entire world, including Shyla. Her shadow chases her as she runs to me. This quality of light happens only near the winter solstice.
Not only do I love the light at the solstice but I also love that the days will soon start getting longer.

I now almost constantly get comments from my fellow trail users about how Shyla is transformed. When we first adopted her, she'd hide whenever another person appeared on the trails because she was scared of them. If I didn't point out where she was hidden, the other person wouldn't even know that I had a dog with me.

By contrast, now, she wants to meet almost everyone and even occasionally jumps on someone. Because my neighbors have known Shyla since the beginning, they treat her with incredible kindness even though a jumping dog is usually not a welcome dog. They know that it's a sign that Shyla has come so far.

Look at those clear and honest eyes. They reflect her heart of gold.


  1. Hari Om'
    Well done Shyla!!! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Good Morning.
    May the Sun always shine on you sweet Shyla and KB.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  3. I am doing a happy dance over this wonderful news of the transformed bashful Shyla... good job Shyla and Mom for helping her overcome

  4. that's super beautiful... I think you found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow in Shyla ;O)

  5. That's great! I'm sure their kindness helped her come out of her shell. My neighbors aren't dog fans, but the collies don't seem to mind.

  6. "Look at those clear and honest eyes. They reflect her heart of gold." BRILLIANT


  7. She needed you so. She needed to be loved and know she has nothing to fear. So precious and such great shots.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays, because Shyla is a huge Aw.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  8. Shyla found the most loving home in all of Colorado with the most patient mom and Runner and brudder.
    Love does conquer all and OH YES she is GOLDEN!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Shyla is such a special and loving girl, not to mention beautiful!

  10. She is so lucky to live with you to have all the patience and work to get her to this point.

  11. my heart is touched as only a dog can touch it.
    I celebrate your beautiful life darling girl! xoxo

  12. You sure are a golden girl Shyla. We are so happy to hear you are feeling more confident these days.

  13. We love that the winter solstice is near, and the days will soon get longer. We also love to see how far Shyla has come!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Oh Shyla, you have gotten so brave!
    Last evening I noticed golden colors outside on the mountain! It was beautiful.. I thought of you, and how you love the golden colors.

  15. That is just so awesome to hear all those good things about Shyla and how far she has come - ALL due to YOU!!! We have seen an interesting change in Lightning since his injury. Usually when we have family stop by, he would steer clear of the crowd and hang back in a quiet spot. But lately he has been moving right out into the midst of everyone and wanting to be pet. At least something good has come out of this disaster.

  16. Such a testimonial to patience and resilience! Congratulations to Shyla and to you, KB!

  17. Oh Shyla we love hearing how far you come sweet girl. You have the best mom in the world
    Hazel & Mabel


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