Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Black Dog Sunday

I love when our Black Dog can come out to play with me and Shyla at sunrise. I think that Shyla adores having him with us too!

The sunrise light is glorious at this time of year. It starts out reddish and then turns golden. It shimmers off of R's black coat and makes his eye glow with deep brown.

He's adapting really well to his loss of sight. He can still see with his remaining eye although we're not certain how good his vision is. We are seeing signs that it may be starting downhill (but, then again, we are paranoid about his vision now). We are trying to emulate R by focusing on these happy days for the Duo.

Our Black Dog wishes you a good week. He says to have fun and don't stress out about the upcoming holidays!
Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. the photos are so beautiful as are your oh so beautiful duo. when I got to the last photo my eyes overflowed. he is so beautiful and it touched my heart strings..

    1. Sandra, I too, started crying at the last photo! He's such a dear pup with such a sweet spirit :)

  2. You are such a beautiful boy, R, and we love seeing pictures of you and Shyla having fun together♥

  3. They make such a great team! And just think, KB...Solstice is only five days away!!

    1. Yay for the turnaround in sunlight!!!! I love when the days are getting longer.

  4. Beautiful together and R concentrating on the treat, he is the most wonderful Black Dog of all.

  5. Your Labraduo make me smile great big Cheshire cat smiles.
    Looks like R can see/smell the treat
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. R looks most wonderful and happy too, we all love you Duo!

  7. Talk About Hitting Home - These Are Brilliant Photos - Ones To Be Cherished - Well Done

    Hand Out Extra Treats Tonight From Uncle T,

  8. What a wise dog that black dog is. Sending positive thoughts that his other eye does not fail. Lucy sends POTP. She has an eye problem in her left eye. The muscle that keeps the eyeball forward is weakening. It doesn't seem to be worsening buy may represent a brain tumor causing the muscle to weaken. Because of Lucy's age and general health, our veterinarian does not recommend a neuro workup because surgery would be too risky. She seems to see well and only on a closer look can you spot the difference in the eyes. We're hoping it does not get worse.

  9. R is my hero! I just love him and Shyla! Great pictures. :)

  10. Here's hoping the spirit of the season greets you and your duo everyday toward Christmas.

  11. Aw on the both of them. Pals indeed. We just love them no matter what. Our Little Bit had so many health issues as she got older. We just dealt with each one of them and let her know that we loved her more than anything. We miss our girl something awful.

    Have a woof woof day you two. My best to your peeps. ♥

  12. Not stressing is EXCELLENT advice!!!
    Both of the pups are just so lovely!!!

  13. Love seeing the duo together. The expression on R's handsome face melts our heart. We hope his right eye stays OK for a long time.

  14. Howdy mates. So good to catch up again. We are sorry to see you have had trouble with your eye. We send love and more love and hope you are ok. Take care dear friends.
    No worries, and LOVE, Stella (and Carol) x

  15. What beautiful pups! Fingers crossed for R, he melts my heart and I hope he has many good years left.

  16. R is such a wise dog. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. R and Shyla look so happy!!! And there he is doing tricks!

  18. I missed this on Sunday so I just had to come and see how R is doing. He does look so happy, they look so happy together. And your photos are gorgeous.


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