Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Caturday: A Bobcat Mesmerized by Mountain Lion Scent

At one of the longest-term cat scent posts, a mountain lion marked back in early November. As he kicked back with each hind paw, he also left drops of urine.

His hind paw kicks were so storng that he left a big pile of pine needles when he was done. That pile is still obvious and could last well into 2019. It provides a visual landmark for where he marked so that we can understand what other animals are investigating.

A bobcat came through about three weeks later. He made a dramatic entrance that highlighted his tail.

Then, he sauntered toward the pine needle pile left by the mountain lion a few weeks earlier. I cropped the next photo exactly how I cropped the mountain lion photos so that we could compare their sizes.
It's a pretty dramatic size difference, isn't it? The mountain lion probably weighs five times as much as the bobcat. Yet, the bobcat calmly sniffed the lion scent and examined the whole area without signs of fear.

I made a brief video of the visits by both of these cats to this scent marking area. You can see the mountain lion mark and then the bobcat investigate the area almost three weeks later.

Happy Caturday!


  1. I wonder who would win the fight if they met each other... that is a big pile of straw.. Big Boy would love to sniff it. he loves to sniff around where critters have been, that wagging short tale is so cute.. I have heard bob cats can be really nasty if disturbed. I hear lots of running water

    1. I think that the mountain lion would definitely win if they met. I think that the cam's static is what you're hearing - that's a very dry area.

  2. Wow, what a find. You live in an amazing place.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

  3. The video is wonderful! The bobcat seems to be very alert. I love its expressive tail - it actually reminds me of one of my neighbor's cats whose tail "dances" around all the time.

  4. The heap of pine needles is almost to the top of the bobcat's legs. He is another one of the wonderful animals we see through your trail cams.

  5. The pups will be happy to know that they aren't the only ones who scratch up the earth after peeing:) That is a striking difference in size. Hope the two never encounter each other.

  6. Oh yea, smellavision sure has the attention!

  7. What a BIG difference in the tail length of Mtn. Lion and Bobcat. The Bobcat seems to have bigger ears
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. The Bobcat does have a neat way of swishing his shorter tail.

  9. The bobcat must have been fairly sure he was alone...though he did look alert to a noise at one moment.

    1. Yes, I saw that moment when it appears that the bobcat heard something.

  10. Loved the almost cork-screw like action of the bobcat's tail.


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