Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 14, 2018

Nature: Our Pack in the Desert

While we were in the Utah desert, we discovered an area of slickrock where we adored walking in the evenings.

One of my favorite things about it was that it got full sunlight at about sunset time. As the Runner walked in front of me at almost exactly sunset, I realized that it was an opportunity to make a couple of fun photos. In this one, I captured the setting sun perfectly placed for a sun star. If you look hard, you can see R to the left of the Runner.

And here are the two of them standing together with the sun setting next to them.

One of the afternoons that we were on those slickrock hills, we saw an incredible sunset. This is one extra photo that I didn't show you previously. It truly was one of the most awe-inspiring sunsets that I've ever seen.

As dusk fell, we hiked quickly back to K's Rock, where the sky was still glowing!

Based on that cloud cover, I predicted that we wouldn't see the stars that night. However, I set up my camera before going to sleep, just in case I was wrong. And I was very wrong. The clouds cleared out just after 10PM, and the sky stayed clear all night.

Please forgive me - I am still learning how to make time lapse videos, and I'm guessing that you're getting tired of them. If you do feel like watching, here is a night of the Milky Way compressed into 30 seconds. I figured out how to incorporate an effect that makes it seem like the camera was moving. I am wondering if you noticed or liked that effect? Here is the video.

Thank you to our friends at LLB for hosting the Nature Blog Hop.


  1. Hari Om
    Brilliance - in every sense of the word! Yes, the slight camera move adds a more video-like quality to the clip. Meanwhile, I have been frustrated with cloud-cover preventing views of the Geminids... YAM xx

  2. Your pictures are so perfect for this particular blog hop!

  3. the time lapse shows us that even though we can't see with the naked eye, the earth is alwys turning. I love the one of Runner holding the sun under his arm. both of those of him are AMAZING

  4. Oh my, your photographs are fabulous. They jump right off the page.

    Watching that video made me feel small. As it should be.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  5. Loved seeing your two GUYZ in the setting sun.
    OMword your time lapse videos are award winning I can't imagine them getting any better.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Such a beautiful sky. We never tire of seeing those beautiful stars!!!

  7. Love the sunset and silhouette photos!

  8. I love your photos and you truly need to find a contest to enter the 4th one down (dog silhouette) .........unreal!!!!!

  9. Beautiful, and the angle changed, so clever, Stunning skies and silhouettes.

  10. Such gorgeous photos and video! Love the ones of the Runner and R best.

  11. how could anyone ever get tired of your gorgeous photos or videos? certainly not I!
    and I meant to mention in the post with the flute and drum... you always have such beautiful music.
    unusual. haunting. and most beautiful! thank you. xo

  12. And the mystery of the Runner continues. lol Awesome shot with him and R. I think it is safe to safe we all love your time lapse videos. Like the moving sky look. Beautiful sunset with Shyla.

  13. Beautiful video and pictures, thank you!

  14. The slickrock is so beautiful! I am so drawn to all the color!
    Love all the photos - especially the ones of The Runner and R!

  15. That shot of the sunset with Shyla(we think it is her) is phenomenal!!! And yes, we loved the effect. We watched it full screen and it was beautiful.

  16. You sure found some spectacular skies to show us. I always love the time lapse videos of the stars.

  17. We never get tired of watching the night sky thru your lens!

  18. These photographs are awesome. We loved the stars but the sunsets blew us away. We could have looked at them all day. And the sun star was magnificent.

  19. Yes, I liked that effect!! Those sunset photos were simply amazing!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. That time lapse video of the Milky Way are incredible. LOVE it! Such beautiful morning and evening images. Well done!

  21. KB.We never ever get tired of your videos! We love everything you do,, and each experiment! Please dont stop!


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