Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Lucky Us and Lucky Puppy

I must say that our puppy has brought many smiles and laughs to our family.

He got a stuffed bear that is bigger than him for Christmas. He peered at it out of the corners of his eyes.

He quickly got the upper paw over the bear.

After playing with the bear, a Christmas miracle occurred.

He looked up at his big sister with adoration as she let him lean into her for the first time.

We think that he's a happy puppy.
And we're lucky to have him.

I promise to write about something besides Hachi before too long!!!!


  1. awwwww and awwwww I love this post, I feel so much joy just looking at these photos.. to precious for words

  2. Hari OM
    there's no thinking about it - Hachi IS a happy puppy!!! YAM xx

  3. Those two together is just the best, we love those snuggles!

  4. Shyla and Hatchi together is the best Christmas present you could ever get. Don't worry about too many Hatchi posts. We will never tire of them.

  5. Aw, so adorable. They are going to be great buddies.

    Have a woof woof day you two. My best to your peeps. ♥

  6. SO CUTE!! We read about your new puppy on Facebark but hadn't had a chance to see the blog yet. He's a doll. Casey had one of those big bears, and it was a long-term favorite of his.

  7. Oh KB - were you holding you breath and trying not to watch when Hachi decided to snuggle up and Shyla decided it might be okay? I am just so happy for all the dogs and for the humans, too! R is so easygoing with youngsters - I remember when he was playing with the visiting pup and Shyla sort of wanted to but wasn't quite sure how...it's just so LOVELY that Shyla is bonding with this one :)

  8. Fantastic Photos For Sure - Whats Black Dog's Approval Rating??


  9. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hachi..no worries wee one before long you'll be toting the Chrissymus bear around in your mouth.
    Your photo with Shyla is adorable ABSOLUTELY hands down the sweetest photo. You sure do love her and it is obvious she at least likes you A LOT. Shyla mustn't let you see just how much all at one time. Winning Shyla's trust is huge. WTG Hachi. I will never tire of Hachi tales or photos. I love how things are evolving with the sibs.

    KB I sure do wish we could have gone in the homes in historic Oakwood but the candlelight tour was just at night and only outside. Dang it. We did take our favorite daughter and son in law over to there to ride around after supper Christmas Eve the lights were so pretty.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. What a beautiful Christmas gift...sisterly love. And please feel free to post about that little Pooh-bellied cutie as much as you like. He's adorable.

  11. Sweet little fellow. Glad he gets along with his big sister so well already.

  12. He is the luckiest pup. And his eyes are so expressive.Hachi, I can read about you and Shyla and R always.

  13. you can write about Hachi as much as you want! He is unique and so special, I can tell. He has the most expressive and loving eyes. What a precious little boy, I am crazy about him!

  14. Shyla looks stoic! Baby brothers can be pests.....but lovable pests! He's so cute.

  15. Oh, you can't give us too much Hachi!! Seeing him with Shyla like that is priceless - I know how happy that must make you too!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. The pictures of Shyla and Hachi together in her bed is melting our hearts♥

  17. There are never too many (happy) stories about puppies!!!

  18. Agreed, never too many puppy stories! We feel lucky to know him digitally.

  19. He has such an expressive face and is so adorable, I just want to come over and kiss and cuddle with him. Your photos are wonderful, his face, I just can't get over it.

  20. these pictures are simply wonderful! he's a cozy little puppy!
    I can't help but wonder... is R okay with Hachi too? he was warming to Shyla so beautifully
    and they had made such a beautiful bond together. I hope he doesn't feel like he's been 'replaced!'
    now by a new little adorable puppy! it just went through my mind when I saw the last two posts!
    and I love ALL your posts! they're simply fabulous!
    where does R sleep? apparently inquiring minds want to know! LOLOL!

  21. We like to see pictures of your new baby. We reading about him. And how the big kids are dealing with him. They grow up so fast take all the time you can with your baby. How is R doing with his eye.
    XOXO Charlie and Hope

  22. How much do we love seeing little Hatchi and Shyla together!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  23. OMD!!!!!! Lookie at that! See, Shyla, nows YOU'RE the teacher! R has guided you, and nows it's your turn to teach the little one how to be as pawsome as you!! (Ma says you needs to teach me too....wait ~ what?? rude.)
    Anyhu, you can never give us enough puppy photos!!! silly
    Ruby ♥

  24. Best Christmas gift ever....It is so heartwarming to see Hachi and Shyla bonding!

  25. You can never post too much about Hachi! He's heartbreakingly adorable.

  26. Wow! Hachi/Shyla cuddles - that is amazing!

    Chris from Boise

  27. And there you go - just perfect :) I know your heart is glad.

  28. Each of these moments are so precious! Bonds will grow!


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