Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Puppy Gratitude

On this wintery Thankful Thursday, I am grateful for the laughs that our puppy has brought to us in the few days that we've known him. And, I am so grateful to see our Labraduo getting more comfortable around Hachi. Thanks to BriansHome for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Hachi is changing by leaps and bounds. He was too afraid to walk far from the house - until yesterday. We decided to try having him walk a little way with the Duo. Before they came out to lead the way, he went out the front door, and then planted himself on the doorstep. He was refusing to go anywhere.

And, he looked very skeptical of the leash attached to him even though I've been training him to walk with it attached to him inside the house.

I have no photos from after the Duo came out with the Runner because Hachi was hustling along to keep up with his older siblings. He was even pulling forward on the leash! It was wonderful to have our first, albeit very short, forest hike as a pack of five.

When we got home, Hachi was full of excited energy, and he played crazily with his huge stuffed animal.

I made a video of him playing for you to see. I promise that I'll now learn how to video with my DSLR - today, I simply pressed the "record" button and then guessed how it actually worked. Despite my inexperience, I got some halfway decent footage today. I hope that you enjoy seeing a crazy puppy play as much as I did!


  1. he is such a cute little furball... and I'm so happy that you gave him a place in your home and in your heart ;O)

  2. LOVE the video, full screen it is almost as good as being there. he is soooooo preicous.... Big just refuses to play with anything other than his orange ball and bone...

  3. Hari Om
    ...though one can't help thinking that Teddy-oh-18 is not long for this world...!!! YAM xx

  4. So cute! I miss having a puppy around!

  5. O my gosh, little Hachi is having so much fun!!!!

  6. Oh he's so cute. Loved the video. All that energy.

    Have a woof woof Thankful Thursday, Hachi. My best to your peeps. ♥

  7. The poor stuffie is taking quite the beating. haha We loved the video!

  8. These Photos Never Get Old - Well Done


  9. Oh, the joy of puppy play!!! You sure do bring out the puppy fever in me!!! Hachi is just adorable.

  10. Puppies are always a bit leery of leashes and walks at first, but they usually overcome that fear pretty quickly.

    1. Yup, Hachi seems to be over it now. He is changing by the hour! :) I'm like you. I wish that puppyhood would last a very long time!

  11. That big wide world outside your front door would be an intimidating experience to brand new eyes, ears and nose. Shyla and R are the perfect leaders for him. And oh my he's grown just in two days. He's almost as big as his bear!

    Chris from Boise

  12. And what fun when he walks in snow for the first time.What a delight to see him playing with a toy as big as himself, all part of growing up.

  13. I applaud you for keeping the camera so steady. I would have been laughing so hard at his puppy enthusiasm!

  14. Hachi...WELL done on joining the pack!! It made me smile reading about how you went running after the LabraDuo and Runner. I know your mom was probably giggling with glee.
    OMDs you are showing that stuffy you are boss of it...did you make him holler UNCLE? I bet you slept deeply after you walk and romp with stuffy
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. BOL! They usually mark those stuffies as 'quiet time' toys.

  17. That puppy fun was so adorable and we're so happy he's catching on to things. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  18. What a adorable bundle of fur and energy! No wonder you're so thankful. P.S. Nice job on the video!

  19. LOL! Baby Hachi in Charge!
    your pictures and video are GREAT!

  20. It seems like he was confident after his brave walk (older siblings are the best for showing them the way!), and energized by the fresh air as well. Not that puppies need any excuse! Love it!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  21. He is SO ADORABLE! I can't wait to follow his adventures and watch him grow up through your beautiful photos!

  22. Hachi is just precious! I loved the video, and couldn't help but smile the whole way through it.

  23. We're happy to hear Hachi is overcoming his fear of the great outdoors. That video was too cute. I wonder if he almost thinks the bear is like one of his litter mates that he is wrestling. At least right now he is about the same size as the bear.

  24. We just love his white feet!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  25. He is so cute, and will get braver each day!


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