Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 24, 2018

Puppy musings

We are loving having a puppy in our family! R was our last true puppy who arrived so very young. Shyla arrived at age 9 months so she was almost grown up.

This little guy has the most amazing puppy breath, a magical potent that I'd almost forgotten!
He's learning lots of things very fast. He's starting to understand house training already, and he slept through the night without a whimper. Also, I used a clicker and treats to begin to teach him to look at me when I say his name, how to walk on a leash, how to sit, and how to touch my hand with his nose. He's smart!!! (As an aside, I videoed our training in case anyone is ever interested in seeing it.)

The Duo are gradually warming up to him. Just this evening, Shyla shared a bed with him and even let him touch her for the first time. Surprisingly, R is more concerned about the little guy than Shyla is. He pointedly gets up and walks to the other end of the room whenever Hachi comes close to him.

This isn't our first rodeo so we know to let the Duo figure out that Hachi is okay on their own. We supervise but we implicitly trust both of our elder dogs not to hurt Hachi. Each of them moves someplace else if they don't want to try to interact with him.

Since I'm not rushing the dogs toward hanging out next to Hachi if they don't choose to on their own, I have almost no photos of them together. This one shows R's leg and how much bigger he is than Hachi. Hachi routinely walks under the bellies of both dogs, as if he's going under a bridge.

We are keeping our normal routines with the Duo so Shyla and I were out at sunrise today. First, we saw an incredible psychedelic sky.

Then the sun found a gap in the clouds to shine on Shyla.
We had fun despite frigid cold that made me lose all feeling in my fingers. I keep reassuring Shyla that she's my best friend. I think that she believes it.

Then, we returned home to Hachi. Some of you asked about his name. He is the eighth dog we've had since getting married, and "hachi" means "eight" in Japanese. Also, we love the loyalty of the famous Japanese dog named "Hachiko", who was called "Hachi" for short.

We already love this little guy. He's one of the best Christmas gifts ever. I say "one of" because R also arrived around Christmastime!
Happy Christmas Eve. Thank you SO much for your enthusiasm about Hachi. We are over the moon with happiness.


  1. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year :) We wish you a pawesome 2019 filled with many new walks and adventures. Also congratulations on the arrival of Hachi :) He is an adorable fellow and we can't wait to watch him grow. Milo,Jet & Arli

  2. Hari OM
    As you should be - I can see this wee fella turning into a mighty fine dog! R, being that bit older, may struggle a bit with the youngster (and you will also be taking into account his adjustment to one eye will still be in plact); but something tells me Hachi will work it out and win him over! Blessings and Love to you all. YAM xx

  3. Hachi...is such a Perfect name for a darlin' pup!!. !!Now I know what 'knee high to a grasshopper' means..LOL YOu are knee high to R. It appears to me that you might grow quickly and before long will be nose to nose with your siblings. Yay you being so smart and the puppy breath...too sweet. I would love to be able to get into R and Shyla's mind's eyes to see what they are thinking when they see you. LOL
    Did I miss the video? Of course I want to see it.
    Merry Christmas Eve to you all
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. OK, I will include a video soon! I wasn't sure if people would enjoy it or not. Happy Christmas Eve!

  4. You all are going to have so much fun, and I'm so glad you'll be sharing some of it with us :)

  5. Hachi might be the 8th wonder of the world. so adorable, so sweet, I told Bob when we woke up today I want to hold Hachi under my chin. he said you have a puppy. I said yes but I can't hold him under my chin and smell puppy breath, then I came here and you are smelling what I was talking about. most definitely want to see the training video

  6. Smiling here - being an August 'baby' brings an appreciation for all things eight - especially being the 26th -

    Of course, Hachi will dazzle you with all things 'ate' -

    I'll enjoy living the puppy life - virtually and vicariously - from here!

    NAK's Human

  7. Hachi will be trained in no time at all with you as his mom, KB! His is just too darn cute!

  8. Is there anything more comforting than puppy breath? I think not and Hachi is a lovely little puppy.

  9. Congratulations on the little pupper! He sure is a cutie!

  10. Congratulations! So happy for you. It took awhile for my two dogs to warm up to the new pup and I'm sure your two will come around very soon. Can't wait to see all the new adventures that will be happening. Merry Christmas!

  11. Such an adorable furry addition to the Duo. Wishing you a howliday that's furry and bright.

  12. We really can't wait to watch more of Hachi as he learns and loves!

  13. My mom loves puppies. She wishes we would stay puppies for a couple years rather than growing up so fast. Enjoy as he will be a dog before you know it.

  14. a new fur baby in the home brings joy like nothing else! laughter for sure!
    (and are you kidding? we … at least I would! LOVE to see any videos you want to share!!!)
    and what is wonderful... YOU (the both of you) have the calm sense of knowing
    exactly how to introduce him to the Duo! without hurt feelings of imagined replacement!
    you're going to just be such a fun and wonderful family ALL together! bless you! xo

  15. What a beautiful little Christmas angel! Happy Holidays from the Catscue cats.

  16. he is such a cutie! In a short period of time he will no longer be able to walk "under the bridge" of their bellies!

  17. I'm so thrilled for you! It sounds like Hachi has made great progress with the Labraduo already!
    Thank you for the beauty in your photos.
    Merry Christmas,
    KZK - and Mags and Cam

  18. I love how you picked his name! We brought Luke home 5 years ago as a puppy right before Christmas as well. I think dogs or puppies are the best Christmas gifts we can give ourselves (and I have to admit that I'm a bit jealous!!).
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. Our mom wishes there were smell-o-vision so she could smell some of that great puppy breath. We agree with Cecilia and would love to see videos of your little one. Merry Christmas!

  20. Hatchi is just so cute! And those eyes!!!!!
    We would love to see the video
    Merry Christmas
    Hazel, Mabel and Mom

  21. Of course we wants the video!!! Puppy videos are the best! (or so I'm told...Ma didn't really takes any of me, just pics) You are just toooooo adorables Hatchi! You fursure are makin' this a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
    Ruby ♥


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