Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

We Welcome a New Family Member

Please welcome our new family member, Hachi. He's half Lab and the rest is unknown.

His mom is a chocolate Lab who was found pregnant on the streets in Texas. She was taken to a "high kill" shelter there, and then rescued by a Colorado group. Hachi has been with his mom and five littermates in a Colorado foster home for about 6 weeks.
We adopted him yesterday. We are thrilled to have him join our family.

He's overwhelmed and sleepy right now so he looks very serious in his photos, except when he's sleeping.
A new chapter of our family's life has begun!


  1. I am crying, tears rolling down my cheeks. So happy for all of you and especially for this precious pup. Our hearts are built for rescue mix breed dogs, we have had five of them, but only one puppy, our first. Max. Hachi you already have my heart and I want to know how you got him to pose … Big needs lessons... oh gosh, I am rambling on because I am so glad you rescued him...

  2. PS, 3 of our five dogs have been lab mix...

  3. Hari OM
    OMD OMD OMD >....ssssssssssqqqqqquuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
    Oh my heart is pounding for you all. Hachi - welcome to Blogville mate!!! oh I can't type I's tingling with glee... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Welcome to the best home in the whole world, Hachi. We love your name - KB will have to tell us how you came to be Hachi. We so look forward to watching you grow. R and Shyla will be great mentors for you. Happy Christmas, little one.

  5. OMD! We are absolutely thrilled for all of you! Welcome, Hachi!

  6. Oh my goodness, how very wonderful for you all, especially Hachi and we now share a Gotcha Day. Welcome home sweetie!

  7. Aw, he's adorable and then some. I linked him to Awww Mondays.

    Have a woof woof day Hachi. My best to your new peeps. ♥

  8. He's beautiful and so lucky to have been rescued. You will give him an amazing life.

  9. How fantastic, congrats to you all. What a wonderful life little Hachi is going to have with you.


  10. Tears in my eyes...that FACE! Congratulations to all, and I look forward to the fun and games and heartmelting photographs ahead :)

  11. Oh those eyes will get Hachi evFURRYthing and MORE!

    Welcome KhutiePie!

    NAK and The Blondes

  12. I have to admit, I usually don't like the idea of a Christmas puppy or kitten, or anything for the "average person." But the amount of love and devotion and so much more that you have to give, does not make you "average" And for Christmas, you have given this little boy, the best gift, you have opened your heart and home to him. I am so thrilled and happy for you!!!

    Welcome, Hachi - Like so many, I look forward to watching your grow!

  13. He is so lucky to have you. Looking forward to getting to know him and see him grow.

  14. Oh my pups...welcome little one!! Bless your heart and your pup mom and siblings AND THE RESCUE GROUP and Foster home. YOu my sweet one, have landed in the laps of unconditional love and your days will be filled with joy and warmth and love from now to eternity. Rest Hachi you had a big day yesterday and probably even bigger today. I look forward to seeing you interact with your Big Sis and Bro and oh one more thing
    I love your markings and eyes and your NAME!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. I am a lover of names and their origins. I looked up Hachi I found this
    Japanese Origin. "Eight" The meaning of the name Hachi is Eight. Is he your 8th pup?
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Yes he is our eighth dog in our marriage. Also Hachi is the name of a very famous Japanese dog. Thank you for your enthusiasm!

  16. Welcome to your new forever home. Merry Christmas to you all

  17. Hachi is a famous dog in Japan

    the Runner

  18. welcome welcome little pup... I'm so happy for you... have a wonderful furst christmas in your furever furmily...

  19. Oh what a cutie. He'3 sure to make the holidays more fun and exciting. Good job, Santa!

  20. How exciting! How is the Labraduo doing with the newcomer? He is super cute and I can’t wait to hear about more of his adventures as part of your pack!

  21. Welcome aboard, Hachi! What a wonderful pack you've joined!

    I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the pack is just as overwhelmed and tuckered out as Hachi - pups are hard work :-) but oh so worth it. Can't wait to hear more, more, more!

    Chris from Boise

  22. Yes, Hachi is #8 in Japanese, and he is so blessed to have a new loving most wonderful home. A New Year Begins!!! He will be much cared for and already has a new family that will give him those years of fun together. What a gift for you, but also for him. Many thanks to all the people who rescue, foster, and more.

  23. He is such a gorgeous little guy and so lucky to have found such a wonderful home!

  24. What wonderful news!! Congrats to your family and to Hachi! We are looking forward to watching his adventures as part of your new labratrio!!

  25. Oh my gosh, he is adorable!! Huge congratulations to your whole family!! ♥
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  26. oh my Hachi is PERFECT!!!!! (does his name have special significance?) Look at those eyes! So much soul.....and his markings are EXQUISITE!!! He couldn't have a better home and I wish you many, many years of good health and happiness with him!

  27. We are so excited for you!! What a handsome little boy and he has found the most wonderful home with you!
    Merry Christmas!!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  28. Oh my word! He's adorable!!!!! Congratulations to all, especially little Hachi! What do Shyla and R think of him?

  29. Congratulations! Cute little one 🐾

  30. Congratulations! We're sure those furs are going to shine in future photos.

  31. He's adorable. What do the other two think of their new little brother?

  32. Congratulations. This little dog doesn't know about the great life her is about to have

  33. Oh my goodness, what a precious pup! That squee you heard a minute ago from the north? That was me.

  34. He is almost too adorable for words. Welcome to your new family Hachi!

  35. Welcome Hachi. You are one lucky puppy. What a great pack you have joined.

  36. a new little brother in your wonderful home!
    real tears of joy here. a life saved. everyone who has rescued is aware... they are just different!
    it's as if they KNOW. he was rescued by people with hearts big enough to make a difference. BLESS YOU! and the Colorado Rescue group and the foster home!
    can't wait to see what he gets into! welcome little Hachi! you are just adorable. XOXO

  37. This new chapter will have so much excitement... and love for all of you!
    This was meant to be!

  38. What, wait, a puppy, oh my goodness.
    Got to love them rescues from Texas.
    Astro is from Texas too.
    Happy Crazy Love.
    Merry Christmas Hachi and family.

  39. What a welcomed addition to the family! Hello Hachi!! You are home. :)

  40. OMD!! OMD!!! OMD!!!!! SQUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh dude, you hit the jackpot! You are gonna have one adventure after another, and R and Shyla are gonna show you the way! I just can't waits to watch you grow and gets into troubles....um....I means, have adventures and funs!
    Ruby ♥

  41. How cool is that! Congratulations! We're looking forward to reading about the new adventure.

  42. HAPPY DAY! Happy puppy. Happy you ... all are blessed.

  43. Awww, a Christmas pup, that's wonderful. Thank you for choosing a rescue dog.

  44. Oh, my heavens! I had to look up the story of your new little one! Congratulations, and merry Christmas! What a wonderful way to spend Christmas, with a new little love!

  45. We read about this on Facebark and are SOOOOOOO happy for your family! And even better that you got a Texan pup, just like me! We look forward to hearing all about Hachie's adventures. Oh, and did you know the city we live in is called Waxahachie? He's practically family! BOL

  46. Wow, wow, wow - just seeing the happy news! After the post on the duo's bond I was thinking about the fact that one day (though MANY years in the future!) one of them will need a new companion, and wondering if you planned to add to the family soon. Hachi is adorable :)


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