Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 14, 2019

A Day in Pictures

As I eat my breakfast, Hachi either sits on my chair next to me or plays with his sister. This morning, his sister won the Hachi lottery!

Then, Shyla and I headed out for sunrise in a very snowy world. It was around 10°F.

It was an incredible morning of blue skies and powdery snow.

When we arrived home, both of Shyla's brothers were waiting to greet her.

Then, Hachi grabbed a toy to lure his sister into some more puppy play! She almost never says no these days.
Life is good.


  1. life is super good! you are so right!!!

  2. what a PHUN day. Mark is right,Life is good when you have dogs... I had to smile when I read you went out for a walk in 10 degrees. I say to Bob, it's 53 I am going to freeze....

  3. Hari OM
    OMD... that trio are so precious!!! YAM xx

  4. Your brothers missed you while you were out having fun in the snow, Shyla!

  5. What a great series. Shyla sure is a busy gal and so lucky to have brothers that adore her.

  6. I know it thrills you to see how Hachi puppy has woven his way into his siblings hearts. He was the perfect puppy, knowing his place and having patience.
    I love the brotherly welcome to Shyla and I know she was happy for the warm brothers.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Aw, all these shots are fabulous. All your babies are fabulous. I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a woof woof day, you three. My best to your peeps. ♥

  8. What a wonderful pack action day!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. warms my heart this cold winter day! thank you! xo

  10. How incredibly sweet! Good for you for getting Hachi!

  11. Puppy brother is certainly adding to the indoor exercise.

  12. Such fun to see the pack playing so well. We have both of those toys. In fact, the snake is one of those three toys that Timber got so possessive about when he was a young pup. We put them away for about a year and a half now. Tried bringing the snake out this weekend, and he still defends it as HIS!!! So very strange, but the snake has once again gone into hiding:)

  13. I wish I could love the snow and cold as much as you do. It rarely gets down to 10 here and if it does I hunker in and don't go out. Kudos to you and the pack. So glad R is better.

  14. What a great day for Shyla, and the whole household!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. I am trying to get caught up! Here's something you "probably" already know -- my GOODNESS, Hachi just keeps getting cuter and cuter! I love seeing him with R and Shyla!
    We have the snake, too. Or at least parts of it. LOL.

  16. Oh what a wonderful day full of smiles!!!

  17. Indeed, life is good for them and all of us who get to watch them rompl and play. Thank you for that!

  18. what wonderful photos! Love the brothers greeting sister!
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. Sounds wonderful. Nice the others love Hatchi so much. We have lost almost every flake of our snow. Hoping more will come one of these days. At least the cold is coming. Warm winters mean ice and that really ruins everything.

  20. Love seeing your photos of the pups and the snow. Cold here too - 7 this AM.


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